Chapter 4

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Heathers POV

"Wake up! We're leaving in about an hour!" I heard a familiar voice yell. "Go away!" I grumbled.  Something wet slid down my face and before I had time to think of what it was I balled my hand in a fist and punched someone. A groan came after that and I slightly opened my eyes to see Brandon hunched over holding his area and a wet rag on the floor.  I jumped out of bed. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to it just a reflex! Sorry!" I yelled sympathetically. He took a deep breath and let it out. "I'm never waking you up again and if I do  decide to, Ill get a wet rag and tie it to the end of a broom stick and then slide it down your face so I don't have to risk being punched. So get ready because we have to be on the plane in an hour." He told me. I nodded my head knowing there is no point in arguing because ill lose. "I'm taking a shower" I yelled. I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower. I relaxed as the water cascaded down my body until it hit the  bottom of the floor thing and down the drain. I washed my now blond hair and my body. After I was done I turned the shower off and stepped out the shower. I grabbed a towel and dried off. Shit. I have no clothes. Ill ask one of the boys if I can barrow some of their clothes. I wrapped the towel around my body tightly so it wouldn't fall off. It came to my upper, upper thigh and I didn't like that. I walked out of the bathroom and looked both ways. I went down stairs to look for someone. "What are you doing?" Brandon asked out of now where making me jump a little. I turned around to find a smirking Brandon looking me up and down. "Would you stop checking me out! I need some clothes." I told him. His smirk grew wider if even possible. "Um you can barrow some of my clothes, so go head up to my room." he said continuing to smirk. I nodded and went to the stairs. "Ladies first." he told me. I raised an eyebrow at him. He just gave me a smile. I ran upstairs and turned around to see Brandon at the bottom of the stairs staring at my butt. "Really Brandon! You just let me go up the stairs first so you can watch my ass!" I said. He looked up to my eyes smirking. He ran up the stairs and lead the way to his room. We walked into the room and he went straight for his dresser. He grabbed a pair black basketball shorts and a black tee shirt with a red scowl on it. "Really?" I asked him holding up the clothes. He just smiled and pushed me towards the bathroom. I pushed his hands away and walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I put the shorts on and I had to tie the strings in the front so they didn't fall off. I put my bra back on. Then I pulled the tee shirt on and used a hair bow to tie it in the back. I brushed my dry blond hair and walked out of the bathroom. I walked into the kitchen where everyone was waiting. When I entered the room they started laughing. "What?" I asked. "You look gangster." Tyler commented. He took off his DC hat and put it on me sideways. He smiled letting out a small laugh. I crossed my arms and stared at them. Brandon clapped his hands and said "Lets go we have to be at the  air port in thirty minutes." We all followed him out the door. I looked in the drive way and seen my car! I screamed with joy and jumped up and down. They all turned to me staring at me like I was crazy. "My CAR!! MY CAR!!" I yelled and ran to it. I literally ran to it and hugged it. "That's your car?" Zack asked. I nodded and asked "How did it get here though?" "Oh umm we hot wired it." "What! the key were in the glove compartment you idiot." I told him. He gave me a weird look. Brandon opened my car door and slipped in the driver side and got the keys out of the compartment and stuck it in the ignition. "Get in." he told me. I walked over to the passengers side and got in. He turned on the car and asked "How did you get a car this nice?" "Parents." I told him. He nodded. As we drove down roads to get to the airport, all was silent. I turned on the radio. Nothing good was on so I stuck in one of my Cd's. It was a mix CD so it didn't just have one artist on it. Linkin Park came on. The song Numb was playing. I started singing along to the song. The song 'Your gonna go far kid' by The Offspring started playing. Brandon paused the song before it started playing. I looked at him with a wtf look but said nothing. "You know this song?" he asked. "Yes off course I know this song its like one of my favorites." I told him. "Lets sing it." He told me. "Okay." He then turned the music up really loud and started singing. (Lyrics below)

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