Chapter One

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"Please don't hurt me," I pleaded. I saw a flash of white hair as my vision faded in and out. His laughter, that evil sound, echoed throughout my head. I could feel the fear, crackling throughout my body like a lightning bolt. My eyelids felt so heavy and I struggled to keep them open. Stay awake, I willed myself. But my body was too tired. The darkness began to surround me until I let go, falling into the dark abyss.

When I woke up, I was no longer in the empty white room that I had previously been in. The pain in my body had subsided to a dull ache and my eyes no longer felt heavy.

"Thank the angel you're awake," I heard his voice and I jolted upwards, my back as stiff as a board.

"Sebastian," I breathed out, seeing him seated across the bedroom from me. If I hadn't known him, what he was like, I would've almost mistook his expression for one of concern.

"In the flesh," He murmured, rising to his feet. My body instantly moved backwards, elbows bumping against the headboard, "How are you feeling?"

Thankfully, he didn't move towards me, "Why did you take me this time?" I inquired, ignoring his question. I felt the dull ache intensify just slightly, "And what did you do to me?"

"I didn't do anything." He responded, his eyes narrowing, "You can thank angel boy for not knowing how to protect you."

"I can protect myself-"

"Didn't look like that when you were on the ground with a Drevak needle stuck in your arm," he hissed. My gaze shifted down to my forearm where a red mark was healing, "I don't suppose you're going to thank me."

"Thank you?" I asked incredulously, "For kidnapping me? You're unbelievable."

"For saving your life." he said, moving towards the foot of the bed. I pulled my knees to my chest, "While Jace was too busy-"

"Fighting." I finished for him, my icy gaze locked on his, "He was making sure Alec didn't get killed."

"When he should've been making sure that you didn't get killed." He seemed angry, grasping hard onto the footboard, "I would always put you first, Clary. You would be my priority."

I looked at him, my heart pounding so hard that I could feel it in my ears, "Stop." I said, my voice soft but stern, "I will never love you. And kidnapping me won't change that."

"I've been watching over you." He murmured after a few moments of silence.


"To make sure that you're safe. All those times you, by yourself, got attacked by more demons than you could handle. But still, you managed to survive." I heard his voice crack as he looked at me, "That was me, Clary. It's always been me. Not Jace. Me." And with that, he walked out, leaving me with my lips parted slightly in thought.

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