Chapter Thirty-Five (END)

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                              When I arrived back home, it was with dread in my heart

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          When I arrived back home, it was with dread in my heart. As soon as I stepped into the house, I noticed a duffel bag and a small suitcase at the foot of the stairs. This was really happening. My parents were going to get a divorce.

           I heard footsteps in the upstairs hallway, too light to be Dad's - it was Mom. I waited for her to make her way downstairs, anxious to hear what had happened after I left. I wanted her reassurance that everything was fine, that Dad would be fine. Her steps faltered a little on the stairs when she saw me, but she continued coming down till she reached the last step and then sat down. Wearily, she patted the small space on the step next to her, and I took a seat there.

           "It was inevitable, Mila. This had to happen," she spoke solemnly, looking me right in the eyes, and again, I noticed how tired they were. I hoped with everything in me that Mom would be happy, that she'd look back years from now and think all the sacrifices she made were worth what she had with Antonio. Luca seemed to think that would be the case, and I sincerely hoped so too.

           "Where'll you go?" I asked, wondering if she'd stay at a friend's and how she'd explain her sudden desire for a divorce. I waited with bated breath for her reply. I hoped that Mom wouldn't be staying with Antonio; there was no way that Dad wouldn't find out. I didn't really care what others thought of me, but I knew if word got round, people would assume that my mom had cheated on my dad. I didn't want her to be thought of negatively like that - especially as she'd done absolutely nothing to deserve it.

          "Luca offered me his house. I'll stay there for a few weeks, until I can get myself on my feet." Relief swamped me when I realized she wouldn't be living with Antonio, and then confusion hit.

          "His house?"

          "An investment, he said. He planned on putting it up for rent, but he's offered to let me stay there for as long as I need... he's been too kind," she said, biting her lip hard.

           "It'll be OK, Mom." I leaned my head against her shoulder, and I could feel the rest of her quivering.

           "I hope so, Mila. God, I hope so. I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe I'm leaving. I've lived in this house for practically half my life." She glanced back up the stairs and around the hallway. Mom and Dad had brought this house a year into their marriage, and I couldn't imagine how it felt to leave.

           "What... what about Antonio?" I asked hesitantly. She hadn't said a word about him. He must be ecstatic, I thought bitterly.

          "I haven't talked to him. I keep finding excuses not to. I keep putting it off. But I will... soon." She looked resolved. "I haven't told your dad. I will. But I just didn't want to swamp him with everything all at once. I'll tell him that I've found someone else eventually... even though it was completely involuntary."

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