Chapter One

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Hi everyone, thank you for clicking on my story! It may seem like a cliche, but it is definitely original. There will be twists and turns that will surprise you...

 There will be twists and turns that will surprise you

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          "Just relax your muscles," Theo said. "It'll hurt more if you're tense, Mila. Breathe deeply. Yes, just like that..."

           I stopped listening, feeling the telltale pain that everyone talks about. "How long is this going to take?" I asked, my words sounding strained. A small whimper escaped from my lips and I clamped them shut, unwilling to let out another sound.

          "Not that long, babe. Maybe twenty minutes." He smiled reassuringly. I closed my eyes, dread settling in my gut. The minutes couldn't pass quickly enough. "It's OK. You're doing fine."

          I winced as a sharp spike of pain hit me. It didn't seem like I was OK. Was this normal? Theo was the best in his line of work, or so the advertisement on the window outside claimed. I tried to let this reassure me, but I couldn't quite curb my anxiousness.

          With my eyes closed, I began to think about something else, anything else, to distract myself from the pain. It didn't work. I had absolutely no idea why I was even here, or what the hell I'd been thinking.

          I opened my eyes after I felt like an acceptable amount of time had passed, raising my head slightly to see Theo's blonde eyebrows furrowed in concentration. It was a weird sight; they were so blonde, it almost looked like he didn't have any eyebrows at all. I glanced at the large, oval clock on the wall, noticing that twenty minutes had passed.

          "Are you–" I started to ask.

          "There, done!" He finally let go of my hand, looking a little relieved himself. I wasn't surprised. I'd gasped and moaned a surprising amount, and I was guessing from the heavily tattooed men waiting for their turn outside, that his usual clients didn't squeal quite as much as I had. Putting up with complaints was a part of Theo's profession though, so I didn't feel too guilty. I'd leave him a nice tip to make up for it.

          I sat up when he moved back, apprehensively bringing my hand up to my face.

          All my worries faded away as I took it in. It was perfect; so much better than what I'd pictured in my head. Much better than how it had looked on the transfer paper I'd sketched it out onto for Theo.

         "Thank you so much. I love it." I grinned at the big, beefy man.

          "I don't know what you're thanking me for, doll, you're paying for it." He smiled good-naturedly at my enthusiasm, a gold tooth twinkling as it caught some of the light shining through a window. "Come here, I need to wrap it up."

          I reluctantly let him apply a bandage to my hand, feeling a confusing mixture of relief and anxiety as the tattoo left my line of sight.

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