Chapter 2

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                                 (VOTE CUZ AVAN JOGIA IS A HOTTIE-MC-HOTTIE-POO) ;D

Hey!! Ok so if any of you haven’t heard of “I Tempted Him With a Kiss” well… LOOK IT UP!!! It’s a boyXboy novel but believe me, it’s really good. I love Gio! I even named my kitten after him :D

Ok so this chapter is in Alex’s POV who will be played by Avan Jogia (SO HOT!). There’s a picture of this gorgeous dude on the side ;)

Thanks again for giving this this little pass time of mine a chance. 126 reads!!! WOOP!! WOOP!! I love ya’ll bunches and bunches!!


Chapter 2

*Alexander’s POV*

“Alex! Give me my DS back!!”

“Oh, but I’m just having so much fun making little animated toys run around and throw light balls at each other.”

“It wasn’t a light ball is was a White Hot Flame 100 and his name is Charizard!”

“What ever, now he’s beating up some fat hamster thing…”

“It’s Picachu Alex!!” Tristan yelled at me as he made another swipe for his Nintendo. “God, why are you even playing that game?! I know you think it’s stupid.”

He had a point, but good lord I was bored. We had better get there soon because I had already suffered 7 full hours in the car with this kid and I honestly couldn’t take anymore.

“Well, maybe I’ve seen the error of my ways. Maybe I now love this game!” I tried to hold back laughter as Tristan looked at me as if he was seeing me for the first time.

“And maybe I also like playing with Barbie’s and reading Twilight.”

Tristan Glared at me. “Mom! Alex won’t give me my DS back and now he’s ruining my game! Do something!!”

On any day other than this my mother would have turned around and slapped us both. Don’t get me wrong! She’s a wonderful mother; sweet, hardworking and very fair. But she’s also strict. Then again, how could you afford not to be with a childish ex husband always hanging around, two sons and a new husband who was always handing out help(money) to anyone with a sweet enough face.

In other words, my mother needed to be as strict as possible. But today was special. Today we were going home and there was nothing that could bring mom down with that on her mind.

“Oh Tristan, why can’t you share with your brother? Maybe he’s just trying to take an interest in you interests. You should be happy!” Tristan huffed, defeated. We all knew, me, Tristan, my real dad and the kind man sitting up front, snoring like a bear, that my mothers word was final, even if she was in a good mood.

“Fine.” he groaned, crossing his arms and staring down angrily.

“Excuse me?”

“I said, yes mam.” He said a little bit louder.

“That’s better!” I could hear the smile in her voice. She was so happy, then again so was I, if not a bit cranky.

I looked over at my little brother. He was only 8 and he’d never seen the house we we’re about to arrive at. By the time we’d left, Tristan was just a bump and a bit of morning sickness. In fact, my mom wasn’t even sure if he was real at the time. But he had heard about our home from the both of us, millions of times.

Mom would put him to sleep at night with the stories of the little village tales and the shrimp boats. I sometimes listened through the wall as she told him about her first job at the little restaurant on Pit street, or about climbing the big oak in the park that was off limits, or… about her best friend, Jenny Hazelwood and her daughter Theo.

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