Chapter 3

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Guess what song I’m listening to? Panda Bear by Owl City! Love, Love, LOVE!!! Although I would never move to Tokyo..

Ok so, check out Her Favorite Angle by FasionZombie! It only has two parts so far but It’s GREAT!! Plus I really want him to keep writing it and the only way for that to happen is if ya’ll read it!! Speaking of which, I decided to make a deal with those reading this. As long as I get at least 1 comment or 1 vote on each chapter I will continue writing :D

Fair? Tell me if it isn’t.

Oh and the girl I dedicated this chapter to has been editing for me and she’s amazing!! She also has a few great stories so go look at her profile!!

Kay, here’s CHAPTER THREE!!! YAY:)



Chapter 3

*Theo’s POV*

As I carried in a box labeled ‘Books’ I noticed my reflection in the huge set of French doors. I looked a like a slob to say it nicely. It was still spring but I figured if I kept up with the whole shorts, tank tops and flip-flop charade, summer just might come faster!! Ok, well you never know.

So that was me, short shorts, tiny white snoopy tank top and barefoot (a pair of cheap flip flops that had already given me a blister, in the car.) Little did I know the days high would be around the 60’s. Meaning, after about 2 minutes into helping my Aunt move into her new house, I was freezing my butt off.

That’s why I was wearing a College of Charleston sweatshirt 2 sizes too big for me, my shorts only barely peeking out from underneath. But at least I was warm.

“Theo, quit dillydallying!” I heard my Mom call from Aunt Phoebes’ bedroom.

We had spent the whole weekend helping my pregnant Aunt and her husband, Phil, move into the gorgeous house overlooking Jeremy Creek. During which time I’d moved boxes, rearranged room after room, argued with moving men, organized bookcases, ect. And I couldn’t take it anymore! My arms and legs were absolutely screaming.

“Coming!” I huffed as I climbed the last (thank goodness) set of steps. While nearing the top I heard the two ladies speaking softly. It was most likely they didn’t know I was there…

“So they’re really back?”

“Yeah, she gave me a call last night saying they had just finished setting everything up and were finally ready for visitors. I’m taking Theo by after we leave here.”

“Do you think she’ll remember them? I mean, it‘s been years and it isn’t exactly like ya’ll kept in tough. ”

I heard my mom laugh softly. “Maybe, maybe not. But It’ll be interesting to find out.”

What the heck? Talk about confusing. Who had moved back in?

I realized then, I was still standing on the top step of the staircase so I quickly tried to make up for it by rushing down the hall into the room. It probably wouldn’t have worked, even without me tripping on the rug and spilling the entire box of books.

Dang it.

“What on earth was that noise?! Is everything OK.” Oh yes mom, everything is perfect. I’m sore and tired and your keeping a secret from me. Ok maybe I was a tad bit cranky too.

“Yeah mom, I just dropped a box.” They both peeked out the room as I knelt down to clean up the mess.

“Oh dear.” She walked over and helped me pick up a few hardbounds, although, as quiet as she was being, she probably knew how aggravated I was.

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