Chapter 4

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Chapter 4! Yay! Yeah so I was too lazy to edit but I will as soon as my crazy relatives leave. K I’m dedicating this chapter to one of the my… lets see, 11 fans? I owe her plus she has some pretty great stories so check them out!!

Oh and sorry about the cliffhanger, I was hoping that might grab a bit of attention maybe, plus one of my favorite writers on here’s moto is “Every chapter should end in suspense.” I like it, don’t you?

Ok then, enjoy the chapter!!


Chapter 4

Theo’s POV

I stood in the doorway for a few minutes, the theme song to the twilight zone getting louder and louder in my head. There in front of me was… well Alex. But not Alex. Or at least there was absolutely no way it COULD be Alex.

This boy, this kid sprawled out on the bed with a little Nintendo Game Boy only a few inches from touching his nose, looked exactly like the boy who I said goodbye to in this very room eight years ago. And that couldn’t be right.

So, did he not grow up or something? Was I meeting a living breathing Peter Pan? Ugg! Shut up stupid imagination. Peter pan is not real. Or is he?

As these odd little thoughts whizzed through my head, a noise came from the Game Boy signaling his game was over, and he looked up at me.

Whoa, same eyes too! This was downright scary.

With neither of us willing to start, we began a little staring match, me with my mouth wide open and probably looking like an idiot and him, with that inocent stare that said, "Gosh, I wonder who this creeper is?“

“Umm, hi?” I didn’t respond, not entirely sure what to say. What exactly do you say to the forever young version of your ex-best friend? ’Why! You haven’t changed a bit!’ Yeah, no.

He was beginning to look freaked out now. “Uh… who are you?”

I snapped my jaw closed. Ok then, let's just be blunt I guess.

“Sorry, I’m Theo. Your mom said I could come up here… And who are you?”

“Tristan.” I sighed a sigh of relief. But that didn’t really answer my question, now did it?

“Cool beans… So… How old are you?”

“Eight. But Alex says I look nine!”

“Alex? Wait, so, Alex does live here?” He nodded happily, all previous awkwardness forgotten. “Oh, thank goodness! At least I’m not completely insane.”

He smiled largely at me and said, “Yeah! Alex is my brother.” Well, I’ll be. I guess that explained the resemblance. Heck, what am I saying? They’re like freaking twins! “He’s in his bedroom. Do you want me to get him?”

“Yeah, sure. That would be great.” He hopped off the bed, tossing his handheld gamer on a comfy looking chair as he skipped out. I waited for a few moments, suddenly aware of my hands just dangling at my side. Snatching them up I began to fidget with my favorite leather bracelet, unsure what else I should do.

I stood there for a little bit longer before I realized, no one was coming. Well, then. Be a jerk! I stomped softly out the room and back to the stairs but as I got closer to the plain gray door on the other side of the hall, I heard shouting and a few noises that sounded a bit like dying aliens.

I stopped, turned and crouched. That’s right, ninja time. I crept as quietly as I could to the door, finding it already part of the way open. So I did what any respectable, curious girl would do. I spied on them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2011 ⏰

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