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"So Isabella...." I jump and threw my towel over me "Oh child please I've seen it all before" His mom is a headache. Who is she to just barge in here like that "Ms. Sheila can I get dressed without adult supervision." She gives me a look as if she killed twice over for the comment "When you're finished come downstairs so we can talk" she walks out the room and shuts the door. I go back to rubbing in the lotion and oils then put on my perfumes and this cute outfit I got from the mall the other day.

I walk into the sittin area "You ready" he asked turning in his chair to face me. "I guess does my stomach look bigger..." I kno I'm pregnant but it feels like my stomach is growing overnight "You have a growing baby inside you what did you think was gonna happen" Ms. Sheila is a great woman and I get why she might not like me but it's only gonna be so long before I stop holding my tongue. She walked passed me into the kitchen and I grabbed my coat from the closet "Don't pay her no attention" August reaches in the closet and grab his coat then helps me with mine "I try not to" he laughs "She can be a hand full" I laughed "You don't have to tell me" he pulls his keys out his pocket and we head for the door "Isabella..." I turn around "Yes Ms. Sheila" she rolls her eyes at me then proceeds to talk "We can discuss it after your appointment" she turns around and walks off.

The ride to hospital was quite, my mind was on what we possible could have to discuss. I mean I've told her everything about this situation what more does she want. We are sitting in waiting room of my obgyn's office. August kinda nudges me "You good" I smile "I'm fine just a lot on my mind" I say taking gum out of my purse "Want a piece" I ask handing him the gum "Thank ya baby..." A nurse steps out into the area "Miss Jackson Dr. Avery is ready to see" "Thanks" I say using August to help me up. We walk into the room and I get on the table. August sits down in the chair next to me "So this Avery doctor she really good" He ask looking around "He is very good" August frowned "He?" Oh he's the jealous type and we're not even together "Yes he is there a problem..." "Well we hope we leave here with no problems" Darnell walks into the room "Hey Dr. Avery.. Darnell this is August the father and August this is Darnell my obgyn" they shake hands but I can tell August isn't feeling him too much. "Did she tell you, you guys would be finding out the sex of the baby today" he ask putting the gel on my stomach "Yea man" he says simply watching Dr. Avery's every move. I shake my head at this foolishness and watch as he searches for the determining factor. "You see that" He points to the monitor "Ok what are we having" I hear the excitement in my voice "Congratulations you're having a Jr" he says looking at August "I'm already a Jr but thanks" Did he just.. you know what I'm gonna enjoy this moment I can't believe I'm having a boy.

"Aren't you excited August" He smiles and watches out for traffic before we turn on his street "Hell yea I'm excited" I laugh at the big grin on his face "But wassup with yo doctor..." before I could respond Gi and Erin opened my door then helped me out "Hey August... anyway girl what are we having" I laughed "My mom would kill me if y'all knew before her" we walked inside the house "Well go ahead and tell us now" My mom stepped out of the kitchen into the foyer with us. "August" she simply said and nodded her head "Mrs. Jackson, have you met my mama" all of us are standing in the foyer putting coats away "She wasn't here but your brother let me in..." Travis walks downstairs "So my niece or nephew...??" I laughed "Your mom already don't like me...I'm waiting for her" Travis sucked his teeth "Am I lyin..." my mom don't take to well to people treating me any kind of way I probably shouldn't tell her and just let her meet Sheila "What do you mean she doesn't like you..." she says giving all five of us "the eye"... "Why are y'all standing right here by the door" Sheila walked in the house with grocery bags "Let me grab em' ma" she handed August a couple bags "Now everybody here can you tell us what we're having" I laughed and playfully rolled my eyes "Can I introduce these two first" Gi pouted like a child causing us to laugh at her facial expression "Mama this is Vivian" August spoke up "And mom this is August's mom Sheila" with hesitation my mom extended her hand them Sheila "Nice meeting you" "Same to you..." for a moment there was an awkward silence "Alright I wanna start cooking sooo.."

"Y'all ready to hear what we havin" I say laughing because they all looked fed up with me "Bitc.." Vivian cut her eyes at Gi and we laughed "My bad mama" "Yea whatever now Isabella tell us what my grand baby is gonna be" she crossed her legs and folded her arms "Its a..." "A boy" "August" I popped his arm while he was dying laughing at me then Gi and Erin jumped on me "Aye she still pregnant" August playfully pushed Erin off me and into Gi "Right now y'all kno better than to be jumpin on her like that..." "I mean would it be a totally bad thing" Nicole walks in the living room with the rest of us. Dead silence crept the room as she stood there looking clueless. I get up because I'm not about to entertain this hoe. I should pop her ass in the face for that comment but ima just dismiss myself.

I sit down on my bed and grab my chocolate of the night stand... here come Erin and Gi knockin on the door "who the hell is that bitch" they sat on the bed next to me "Its his PR" I crossed my legs Indian style "Girl I will cut that loca puta" Me and Erin laughs "Calm down little Mexico" Erin says getting up and going over to my dresser... "Fuck you Erin" I can't stop laughing these two always got something going on but what the hell is Erin looking for "Girl what are you looking for... " She turned around with some of my mail "You haven't opened this yet" Gi stands up and get the envelope then hands it to me "You might wanna open and read this"... I take it from Gi and open it. "It says it's from Paris International Fashion Division" They sat on the bed Erin peaks over my shoulder "What they say..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2016 ⏰

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