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"Ok now walk towards me" Our photographer is shooting for our next line, which is always fun "You keep workin that dress our summer collection gonna be right there with spring" we laugh "Ok you can step down Issy... Now miss GiGi you ready" Gi steps in and models the other half of our collection. I sit down because I'm not feeling too well. I've been getting dizzy spells these last few days. My phone starts to ring and who else to pop up on my screen Vivian (Mom) I answer

"You and Gina better not be late to our mother daughter brunch"
I sigh, for whatever reason for the past two years my mom and Gi's mom have been making us have these brunches

"No ma we're almost finish with the shoot"
She sighed
"Ok I will see you soon"
"Ok bye ma I gotta go"
"Bye baby"
We ended our call and I attempted to stand and fell back into my seat, Gi rushes over to me

"Issy are you ok"

"I'm just dizzy"

"Pierre can you get me a bottle of water"
He does as she ask and hands me the water, I take a sip and stand to my feet

"You think you pregnant"

"No I haven't had sex since that night with August and we used a condom"

"Damn girl well let's just get this brunch over with"

"Yea and I'll set up an appointment with my gynecologist"
We changed, I called set up an appointment then we left to meet our mothers

"Your mothers are already here"
The host grabs two menus and takes us to our seats. Our moms stand up when they see us

"Hey baby girl"
We hug them then sit down
"How are my babies doing"
"We're just fine ma"
"Don't take that tone with your mother Gi"
"I'm not I was just..."
"She always grumpy"
"Thats still no excuse Maria"
"Aunt Vi and mama I didn't mean it like that"
"Uh huh anyway why are you so quiet Isabella"
"No reason"
She sat there and stared at me for a minute
"What y'all hidin"
"I was just about to ask Gina that"
We laugh
"Why do we have to be hiding something"
"For twenty two years and they think we don't know them Vivian"
"Fake all y'all want to we know"
I sighed, this never ending cycle of them accusing us of hiding something is getting old. GiGi took the words right out of my mouth

"And y'all do this every time we see y'all"
they laughed

"We don't and order something to eat"

"I'm not really hungry"

"Are you feeling ok baby"
She put her hand to my forehead

"I'm fine I just keep getting lightheaded"
Auntie Maria starts this stupid ass conversation up

"Are you pregnant"
Now in what world did she think it was ok to ask that question in front of this woman

"Well are you giving me a bundle of joy"
My mom holds her hands together close to her chest, Gi laughs and shakes her head.

"Seriously mama like no"
"She doesn't kno that"
Gi takes a sip out of her water trying not to give me eye contact. I know she feels me staring at her
"I set up an appointment I'll know by tomorrow afternoon but I don't think I am"

"Why is that"
My mom says taking a bite out of her chicken

"Because I used protection the last time I... yea"
"Don't be afraid to talk sex with us"
"Yea how you think you two got here"
GiGi choked and I cleared my throat

"Probably could've lived longer not hearing that mama like..."

"Oh hush child and who would be the father since you insist on doing things out of order"

I sigh, every since I decided fashion was a passion for me I've always thought outside the box and never really did anything that she wanted me to do but she's always supported no matter what.

"Here we go"

"Gina Ava Lopez that is not your conversation"
"Oh my bad ma it's four of us at the table didn't know I was suppose to butt out"

I shook my head
"Gi stop.. and mama I'm not pregnant so there's no need"

She frowns at me then continues to eat her salad
"I swear the nerve of you two sometimes"

"What did we do now"
"Its like you guys are never happy"
They stopped and looked at us

"How could you say that"
"We love you and we just wants what's best for you two ok"

"We love you guys too"
"Yea and we know that it just gets overwhelming"

"Well that's noted"
"For the both of us"
My mom smiles at me

"How is Erin"
"She's fine"
"Did y'all know Kevin was leaving for the army"

They both looked genuinely stunned
"Are you serious"
"Dios mío I can only imagine how his mother feels right now"
We sat there for another hour talking about some of everything. Later on we said our I love yous and our goodbyes, then headed back to the boutique and finished our day off late.

"Just sign in here, fill out this paperwork and can I see your driver's license and insurance card"
I dug in my tote and grabbed my wallet. I handed her my cards and took the clipboard then went to sit down. My appointment was set at nine and it's nine thirty, I wonder what's taking so long. A pregnant girl, who looked to be about five months pregnant came and sat next to me

"Wooo this belly"
She rubbed her stomach
"How far along are you"
"Would you believe me if I said three months"
My mouth dropped

"Three months where"
She laughed
"I get the same reaction every time but I am... just having twins"
"Aww congratulations"
She smiled

"Thanks... are you..."
"Thats what I'm here to find out"
"Girl what... you should've just went to the emergency room said your stomach was hurting and told them you might be pregnant"
I laughed

"What's the difference"
"It would've been free"
I laughed again this time she joined in

"Isabella Jackson"
I stood up
"Thats me.. it was nice meeting you..."
I extended my hand

"Autumn like the season"
She giggled
"Yea and nice meeting you to Isabella"

I walked to the back with the nurse and she gave me my cards and I gave her back her clipboard
"Dr. Fiona will be with you soon and since you're overdue for a checkup she asked that you remove your clothes and put on a gown"
She handed me this gown then walked out the room and shut the door. After changing I sat on the table and waited. Someone knocked on the door

"Come in"
"Miss Jackson can you give us a urine sample"
She pointed at the cups on the counter
"Take one into the bathroom use it then put it inside the red box in there"
I did as she asked, washed my hands and waited for another twenty minutes til my doctor came in the room.
"Well miss Jackson I hope you're prepared for the next few months because you're pregnant"

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