first time

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"It's my first time ever to get on board a special plan" I completed as he laughed

"Happy? " he asked while I nod

We got on board and we sat in the sets next to each other

I looked back and saw a few doors at the back

"Is there any other rooms in here?" I asked actually a bit surprised

"Yeah .... I guess we should take a look on them after we land in the air " he said while I smiled

"Won't you continue the video ?" He asked remembering me to

"Oh thanks you remembered me" I said while getting out my vid camera that I almost forgot

I played the vid

"So we are here for the first time ever ever ever ever in my whole entire life to be on a special private plan and I cant explain who much I loved it and how much I am happy even though there are some rooms inhere I didn't saw yet " I said while turning the vid on the doors

"Sure we would take you guys with us while he show me the rest of the plan " I said while showing him up with me in the vid

"So see you" I said and turned of the vid cause I start to hear the pilot start to ask us to wear the seat belt and turn off our phones so I did as what he said qnd became more excited to go to the Maldives

We landed safely and I rapidly got off my seat built and rushed off to the door of the plan grabbing ny handbag with me as I see he is following me

I stepped on the first step of the stairs happily can't believe myself as I hear him behind me laughing about my five years old girl behaviour

I turn round to see him holding the camera shooting me as I wave to the camera and start taking my steps on the stairs

I finally reached the bottom after what seems like a century it was only ten minutes or something

As we reached the bottom I felt him holding my hands tightly as if I am gonna run from him the way I always felt when he holds my hand

We finished the application and got into a car which toke us to another transportation area where we got on board on another yaht

I really don't know where are we going but what I know is that everything around js is just amazing actually really great

"Can I ask ?" I asked politely while he looked at me and then pulled my hand to go to the bottom of the yaht

"Nop I guess not " he said while I blow of some wind in my mouth which I didn't know it was there

"Don't be a naughty girl know stop regretting " he said while I put my puppy face on so he just gave up and told me

"Okay all what I can tell you that we are going to a private island " he said while I just smiled about the idea that we will be there alone ... me and him WOW

"so you wanna eat something " he asked while I just nodded and went to set while the smile is still on my lips

"The best meal for the best girlfriend ever " he said while landing me a great meal with chicken and some rice

"You made this?" I asked while tasting it and see him with the video camera shooting me again

"Yeah" he said "what do you think?" He completed

"Its pretty good " I said while eating another piece of chicken

"Aren't you gonna eat " I asked while he just denied that

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