Chapter One

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Monday. May 21, 2013. 8:30 AM.


I'm awoken by my boyfriend, Harry, he's throwing things in the other room. I get out of bed, and pull on a pair of dark green joggers. I leave our bedroom, go through the hallway, then enter the living room area where the crashing came from. Harry is standing over a pile of broken glass and I see him stuff something into his pocket. "Harry, are you okay?"

"Fine, Lou. I'm fine," he sniffs before walking towards me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Are you sure?" I say wrapping my arms around him and looking at him in the eyes.

"Positive," he pulls an obviously fake smile and kisses my cheek.

"Okay," I say smiling at him.

"I've got to go to work, I'll clean this u-"

"I got it Haz, you go to work."

"Thanks," Harry says before smiling at me and leaving our flat. I grab the broom and dust pan and clean up the glass, careful not to cut myself. Harry and I have been together three years and he's never had a random outburst like that. Sure he's gotten upset before but he has never randomly broken an innocent vase. I put all of the glass bits into the garbage then run the vacuum over the area, just to be safe.

When I look up at the clock below the tv it reads 9:13 AM. I go into the kitchen and make myself an omelette with cheese. I sit on the couch and turn the telly on BBC and eat my omelette while watching a rerun of Sherlock.

After finishing my omelette I place the plate on the coffee table and finish my show.

Monday. May 21, 2013. 3:58 PM.


I finish putting the new CDs into their correct slots, I work at a record store and sometimes people move the CDs around. I look at the time on my phone. 4:00. I can clock out and go home. I go to the back of the store and go through the door that says 'employees only'. I clock out then grab my keys out of the locker that had my name on it.

I go back to the front of the store and wave to my boss, Rose, as I leave. I start walking towards the tube and worry about the letter I go earlier. I won't tell Lou for a while because I don't want to upset him. I left the letter at work because I think he saw me stuff it in my trousers this morning.

I get on the tube and sit next to a young girl with short pink/blonde hair. I give her a slight nod and she smiles back at me. I pull out my phone and begin to play a game. It's not long before the tube stops and I step out. I then begin my walk home. I walk a bit faster than usual because I feel it start to rain. But, by the time I get home it's pouring and my hair and leather jacket are drenched. I run up the stairs to the flat that I share with Louis and unlock the door before pushing it open. Louis is asleep on the couch. There's an empty bowl on the coffee table and the telly is turned on with a advertisement for some toothpaste running.

I pick up the bowl and wash it in the sink before drying it and putting it up. I go into the living room and set at the end of the couch by Louis' feet. He's snoring lightly while hugging his pillow. I quickly pull out my phone and snap a photo, he looks so cute stretched out on our couch. I smile to myself then remember the letter and frown. I start watching the telly.

Monday. May 21, 2013. 7:18 pm.


I wake up and stretch, I feel my foot touching something warm and quickly open my eyes. Harry. I smile and sit up before wrapping my arms around the taller boy. "Babe, you're home," I smile into his neck.

"Yeah, I've been home for about three hours, you want some dinner?"

"Well, what time is it?"

"'bout seven twenty, love."

"Yeah, we should probaby get something.." I trail off.

"Want me to order a pizza and we can have a movie night?"

"That sounds perfect," I smile. Harry grabs his phone from his trouser pocket and dials the pizza place down the street. I grab the remote and get to the section of cable where we can rent a movie. I go down the list on horror movies until I find one titled 'The Mooring'. I read the description and watch preview before thinking, what the bloody hell is a mooring. I pull out my phone and look up the word.

moor-ing | 'mooriNG |

noun (often moorings)

a place where a boat or ship is docked:

the boat had been at its usual moorings immediately prior to the storm.

So I guess it's just a work for dock. Interesting. I rent the movie and wait for Harry to play it. He sits back down and looks over, "It'll be here in twenty, what movie did you get?"

"The Mooring."

"Sounds interesting."

I snuggle up to Harry's chest and play the movie.


so this is the first chapter to my new larry fic, tell me what you think in the comments below! Please like and follow me toooo!!

i added a little Larry gif and video on the side(:

I'll post the next chap ASAP, it's already been written

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