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i watched as bria laughed and talked with some boy i think her boyfriend. (ion know) i had the urge to take the phone out of her hand and end the call because to be honeest ive always kinda hada crush on her but i could never date her because roc called Dibs.

"Babes noooo lol i sooo wasnt flirting lol were you at ooo so you aint out trickin huh lol im just on a plane im going to L.A its mindless behavior yep but there not all so empty minded and mean. lol ok bye babes kisses lol yea kiss u through the phone alright bye babes Muah!!!!!!!!"

i listened to there whole convo ooohhh im telling roc and i got Babes phone number yep

352-776-8849 hahahahahah i texted roc

RaysnkeLng- Yo Roc this  Babes Number call him 



I ended up dialing the number ray gave me,

phone call-



B-hello (high pitch gay voice

r- uhh hey im um rocim umm brias ex boyfriend

b-how the hell you  get my number (smacking gum)

r-uhh its just i have to ask you a question but you cant tell dabria

b-ok what is it

r-are yall dating 

b-wth no!!

r-then why does she call you Babes

B-cause thats my name well my real name baby  but Dabria just call me babes


b-yea aye you know ha baby yos right

r-yea she told me earlier

b-oh ok well thats it

r-um actually i really need to get dabria to like me again

b-nigga ill see but you gotta do that on ya own but ill try just be there for ha baby ok ok bye boo

umm Booo uhh i shuddered atthe thought then looked at my girl friend

"umm hey babes"

"i heard yall whole muthafuckin convo roc but guess what im not mad you probs got her pregoo fo a reason and still got feeling for her so this is what  im gone do  im gone help yall get back together but first can i date one of yo friends"

"thank you soooo much and sure just thank you thank you"

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