Chpater 4- Island Day 3

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Day 3:

Sofia's POV:

I woke up and Harry was still sleeping. I walked towards the ocean, and wrote a huge S.O.S. in the sand. I worried that no one would find the island we were on. Or maybe now they thought we were dead. I pushed the thought out of my head and put my faith in my parents and siblings. They would never give up. It's the Redford's motto, we don't give up, even if things don't go our way.

I looked back to the shelter and watched as Harry woke up. His messy head of brown curls went in every direction.

"Nice hair," I yelled to him.

I watched from a distance as he subtly tried to fix his hair. Running his hands through his curly locks. Those curls got me every time.

"I'm going to the lake. Want to join?" I asked.


We walked to the lake and I heard a noise coming from the bushes. "Did you hear that?"

"It's probably just a bird or something," Harry said taking of his shirt and setting it on the ground.

I looked at his chest, his nicely sculpted abs. Seeing them for the second time only felt like the first. He was perfect. I walked over to him running my hand down his abs. Our lips touching. The kiss becoming more passionate. Then more wild. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and we fought for dominance. He came out on top. I could tell he wanted more. I looked at him and nodded. He slipped my dress above my head taking a look at my body.

"You're beautiful Sofia," he whispered.

He ran his hands up and down my sides. Looking for conformation, I gave it to him and he unhooked my bra. His lips coming to my neck, finding my sweet spot. He sucked harder leaving a small purple bruise. I unzipped his pants and pulled them to the ground. I grabbed his bulge in my hand and started to pump it.

"Sof-ff-i-aaa that's amazing, keep going babe," he begged.

I did as he commanded and I pumped harder. I felt his release seep through his underwear.

"Better get this cleaned up," he said, giving me a quick kiss. He jumped into the water, and his underwear floated to the top. He grabbed it and started to clean it.

I took off the rest of my clothes and brought them into the lake. I met up with Harry and we washed our clothes in the clean water. We set our clothes down on a couple of rocks to dry. It was still so hot, so we decided to stay in the lake.

"I've never gone skinny dipping before," I told Harry.

"Me neither. I'm glad it's with you," He said wrapping his arms around me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and began kissing him. I left a trail of kiss from his mouth to neck. I wrapped my legs around him and he placed his arms under my butt. I never experienced this much intimacy before and we still haven't even gone all the way. I could feel his dick rubbing up against my thigh. I jumped at the feeling, but soon relaxed.

We stayed there for a few moments. Peaceful and quiet. Just holding each other. It was us against the world, literally.

"You know Sofia, I don't want you to think this is all just fake, or some fantasy because we're stuck on this island together. Because to me it's as real as it would be back home."

I sighed in relief. All I ever wanted was a guy that cared about me as much as I cared about him. And even if we are stuck on a deserted island together, it doesn't change the fact that I'm falling for him. "Me too," I replied.

I started laughing as he swung me around to hold me bridal style. He walked out of the lake and set me down on dry ground. We put on the bare amount of clothes necessary and decided to see what was beyond the lake.

I watched a bright red bird fly right over Harry's head. It looked like a parrot. I had no idea what kind of animals live out here. "Do you think there's like wild cats, or something?" I asked a little scared.

"Maybe, it is the Caribbean after all," Harry said.

"Maybe we shouldn't go any further. We could just go to the beach and do something else," I suggested.

"Okay," He replied.

I started to walk and Harry caught up with me and intertwined our fingers together. I felt safe with Harry. Like nothing could defeat us. "Sometimes, I feel guilty," I said as we kept walking.

"And why is that?" He asked.

"Because we're enjoying ourselves while everyone else is probably scared to death looking for us, or they already think we're dead," I said looking at the ground.

"Don't think about that Sofia. Your parents are probably searching day and night for you. And you shouldn't feel guilty about living a little while we're out here. I mean there's not really anything else we can do."

We made it back to the beach mid day. Harry hung up our clothes so they wouldn't get sandy while we weren't wearing them. I had somewhat started feeling comfortable in my own skin, just prancing around in my undergarments. And I knew Harry didn't mind at all.

My S.O.S. sign was still engraved in the sand. I turned to Harry, "You know maybe I should live a little. Be more adventurous," I said.

"What are you going to do?" Harry asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"I'm going to catch a fish," I stated. Harry started to laugh. "No I'm serious Harry. Really, just watch," I said. I was now determined to prove it to him. I grabbed the spear and walked into the ocean. I felt a pair of green eyes watching me intently. I saw a movement in the water and stabbed the ground, only to pull it up and find out I missed.

"It's alright," Harry said encouraging me, but it just made me more mad that I didn't succeed the first time around.

I spotted another fish and jabbed the ground, again missing the fish. It seemed like another 20 minutes had passed without a fish in sight. I looked behind me to find Harry lying in the shelter asleep. He could fall asleep so fast. A ripple pulled me out of my thought and I stabbed the ground in a desperate attempt for some food. I pulled up the stick and to my surprise there was a rather large fish punctured through the stick. And to think, I was so proud of myself and Harry was asleep and didn't even see me catch it. I walked over to the shelter with the spear in hand and lightly touched his face with the fish.

"Eww," Harry screamed and sprung up in a matter of seconds wiping his face.

"Look what I caught!" I exclaimed.

"Seriously? Did you go and buy it somewhere?" he joked.

"No, it just took patience and time. But I got it on the third try. Third time's the charm as they say," I said.

Harry's face looked genuinely surprised. "Well I'm very proud of you," he said grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him. "You know we could celebrate," he said winking at me.

"Maybe after we eat," I told him knowing exactly what he wanted. And I was planning on giving it to him, I just need some time to prepare myself mentally.

Harry started the fire and I cooked the fish. He did the same as last night and walked down the beach to go pick banana's. He came back with a handful, as well as a coconut.

I perked up at the sight of something else to drink other than water from the lake. I was grateful for it, but I still was glad to have something else. "Ah that's perfect," I replied.

We enjoyed our meal. The sun started to go down and we put back on our clothes because it was starting to get chilly. I looked in the emergency kit and there was a small blanket. A violent rain started and a tropical storm began. The wind was blowing horizontal and the rain was freezing. We sat under the shelter, Harry's arms wrapped around me with a blanket over both of our shoulders. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. It was too cold. Harry laid down and I snuggled up with him. He was quickly asleep and I was up until the rain and wind died down.

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