Sneaky Smarties

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Emma placed the last snowball down on the re-filled stack. She then handed Noah a snowball, and he pushed it away, saying, "I don't throw snowballs, it counts as physical activity."

Emma raised an eyebrow. "Running is a physical activity. This whole show is practically physical activity!"

Noah smiled sadly. "True, True." He replied. He took a snowball, and threw it as hard as he could across the battleground, which wasn't very far. He frowned. "Gimme another one, I'm trying again!" he said, holding a hand out playfully.

Emma laughed, and plopped one in his hand, and he launched it, this time making it a half foot farther. He cheered, as Emma pushed a new pile toward him, and he tried launching two. They both were a bit slower, but they didn't make it to the fort. Noah sighed, and then gasped after a minute.

"What if we sneak attack?" Noah said, thinking aloud.

Emma gasped. "Great idea!" She praised.

Noah smirked, blushing deep inside. "I can stay here, and keep trying, and maybe they'll think that it's you throwing the balls!"

Emma thought for a minute, and replied, "It's an idea! Okay, I'll take a few snowballs, and creep over there!"

Noah nodded, and started making more balls to throw.

"Jez, Emma must've hurt her arm, she's never thrown that bad ever!" Kitty said, frowning.

Owen paused throwing snowballs, and frowned, watching "Emma" throw. "No, I don't think that's your sister!"

Kitty raised an eyebrow in question at Owen. "It has to be, who else would it be?"

Owen frowned at Kitty. "Noah." He said.

Kitty laughed, and raised an eyebrow at Noah. "You're kidding, right?"

Owen sighed, and replied, "No, I'm afraid not!"

Kitty frowned. "Then what in the world is Emma doing?"

Emma frowned from the outside of their hut, and loaded her bb gun with a snow-pellet, and fired it over the wall. She heard a girly shriek from the tent. She must've hit Kitty.

Then the wall came down as Owen ran out, yelling, "WE SURRENDER, WE SURRENDER!!!" Kitty walked out calmly behind him, sighing.

Emma laughed, and yelled, "Noah, you can come out, we're good!" She then shivered. She should've layered more. She turned toward Kitty. "Sorry, it was Noah's idea!" she said, gesturing over to the brunette.

Noah sighed, finally making it over to the group. "It's true," he said.

Emma shivered. Noah noticed, and asked, "What if we go inside, it's quite cold out!"

Emma shrugged, and asked Owen and Kitty, "What do you guys think?"

Kitty turned around from calming down Owen, and replied, "Whatever, I don't care, and I'm pretty sure Owen doesn't either!"

Noah and Emma nodded, and they started the journey inside. Kitty, trailing behind, asked, "Who's room are we going to?"

Noah frowned, and replied, "We can go to mine and Owen's, I've got a supply of hot chocolate and marshmallows!" He smiled at Emma, taking her hand.

Emma smiled, and enwited her hand with Noah, and looked into his eyes. "Th-that's fine, right Kitty?!"

Kitty smirked, and replied, "Okay, me and Owen will go to my room. You two cuties need some time alone!" Giggling. She got on Owen's back, and yelled, "ONWARDS, AOSHIMA!!!!!" Owen and her ran off, laughing.

Noah laughed, and let go of Emma's hand. "Alright, guess we should go in!" He said, and led her inside.

( A Chapter on the weekend? Guess so! But this should be it until maybe Wednesday, latest being Friday! So yeah, hope you enjoyed! )

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