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Noah fell to the ground, laughing. He should've been faster with that snowball, but oh well. Owen offered him a hand, and he grabbed it, and Owen pulled him up. He got back on his knees, and ducked, before Kitty could hit him. Owen packed another snowball, and threw it, but it missed, and Kitty and Emma shared a laugh. Emma quickly wound up her arm, and threw a ball at Noah, who quickly dodged it, before throwing one of his own at Emma.

Emma turned around just in time to see the ball, but not enough time to dodge it, which resulted in her grasping her arm, laughing. Kitty handed Emma a ball, and Emma threw it, successfully hitting Noah, and because he was only 80 pounds, he quickly fell, once again, for maybe the 12th time.

Owen laughed, and pulled Noah up, once again. From first meeting Noah in Total Drama, to competing in other physical reality shows with him, Owen had seen it coming, because, well, he wasn't athletic. Noah had tried to weigh himself down with some snowshoes, but even that hadn't worked. He frowned. Then again, seeing as he served as a human shield, Noah really didn't have a reason to be upset.

Kitty smiled. Noah and Emma hadn't been spending as much time together, and she suspected it had something to do with Noah vowing to focus on the game, and not Emma. How did she know this? Unlike Chris, Don actually allowed phones and wifi, so she checked her Instagram after every episode aired, to see if there was anything she should know. She had vowed not to tell Emma this, seeing as she would go mad.

"Hey Noah, ready to go in?" Emma asked, after hitting Noah once again.

Noah quietly gasped in surprise, then said, "No way! I WILL win!" Noah vowed aloud, laughing, this time pushing himself up.

Kitty and Owen shared a look, then Kitty said, "What if we switch up the teams?"

Emma and Noah both raised an eyebrow, then replied in usion, "Sure!" They laughed, and everyone paused to switch teams.

( Okay, so this is one of the shortest chapters I've done in a while, but I didn't have an hour to do it! )

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