Hot Chcocolate and Netfliz

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Noah locked the door behind the two of them,walked over to the fridge, and pulled out some chocolate sauce, a bottle of milk, and a pack of marshmallows. He frowned. That was stuff for chocolate milk, not hot chocolate!

Back in the Living room, Emma was searching netflix for a good movie, when she came upon Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part II. She squealed. She loved Harry Potter, it was one of the best parts of her childhood. When the third book came out in fifth grade, she had already fallen in love with the british wizard.

Noah called, "EMMA?!"

Emma whipped her head around to see Noah in the kitchen, frowning. "Yes?" She asked, beyond confused.

Noah thought for a minute, then asked, "Do you think there's a Starbucks nearby?"

Emma sighed, and googled it. After a minute, she replied, "Nope. We're in the arctic, you had to see that coming!"

Noah nodded, then said, "Yeah.... Do you know how to make hot chocolate?"

Emma walked into the kitchen, and asked, "I think! Do you have any hot chocolate mix?"

Noah filled through the cabinets, then replied, "Yep! How many packets?"

Emma looked around, and sighed. "I'm not sure, seeing as- well, how much do you want?"

Noah shrugged, and said, "Will 4 do?"

Emma replied, "Yep!", and walked over to Noah, taking the four pack from him. She found some styerphome cups, and a jug of milk, and poured it all in the cups.

Emma nodded, and he threw her four packets, and she split them between the two of them. She added the milk, mixed them, stuck the in the microwave, and closed it. She sat down on the counter, and pulled her phone out.

E: What r u and Owen doing?

K: We're eating marshmallows, what r u and Noah doing? ;-)

E: I'm heating up some hot chocolate for me and Noah, and then we're gonna eat some popcorn, and watch Harry Potter! XD


E: *Mock salute* Yes mam!

Emma shut her phone off, and smiled as the microwave beeped. She opened it, and pulled them out, trying not to burn her hands.

Noah cheered as Emma sat the mugs down, and reached for it. Emma swatted his hand away, and shrieked, "Oi, I almost burned my finger, and I had gloves on!"

Noah raised an eyebrow, and backed away from the mugs. "Alright, How about we start popping the popcorn?" he asked.

Emma nodded and handed him the popcorn bag, and he put it in the microwave. Noah asked Emma, "So, what are Kitty and Owen doing?"

Emma replied, "I believe they're eating marshmallows!", laughing.

Noah laugh with her, then smiled at her. "So..." He said. "Have you read the Harry Potter series?"

Emma laughed. "Have I? I've read the whole series, have all the books and the movies, I've been to every movie premiere since The Goblet of Fire, and I've met Tom Felton and gotten his signature on Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows!"

Noah raised an eyebrow. "Jez, I'm not that obsessed, but I have read the series about 5 times!" He said, smirking.

Emma nodded, and pulled the popcorn out of the microwave, and poured it into two bowls, and grabbed one. Noah grabbed the other, and they plopped down on the couch, and Emma pressed play.

As the theme song started, Emma grabbed a pillow, and said, "I've watched this one about 3 times, and I still scream when Harry gets nervous around Cho Chang! It almost reminds me of..." Emma trailed off, looking at Noah, blushing.

"Us?" Noah dared, smiling nervously.

"Yeah..." Emma replied, mirroring the smile.

Noah put his arm around Emma, and the two smiled at each other, and turned to watch the tv.

(Hey Guys! So... DID YA LIKE IT?! I hope you did, cause the next chapter is a bit shorter, and focuses on Owen and Kitty!)

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