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I sat upright and stretched my limbs, yawning aloud. Another day.

Life was boring without color for 19 years. Anyways, I got out of bed and plugged my iPhone to it's charger, setting it on the bedside table. After that, I went into my bathroom and got my toothbrush out.

After doing everything necessary, I went to my closet. I picked out a knee-length skirt with a cute croptop with a bow on the end of the sleeves. I picked out some flats. I didn't know what the real color of it was, but it was a nice cream shade to me, so I bought it. It would be a big disappointment if it wasn't cream.

I decided on letting my hair flow naturally and just put on some wristbands just in case.

Today, I was going out with my only friends, Calum, Jenna, Rose and Luke and Cara.

Calum and Jenna were only friends, sadly. Calum didn't get to meet his soulmate before she died. He was so distraught, he almost gauged his own eyes out with a tablefork.

Anyways, the days were good sooner or later and everyone was back to normal.

I walked to my bedside table and checked the percentage on my phone. 87% is good enough, I guess. I grabbed my sling bag which was a nice silver and stuffed it with my feminine needs, makeup, my wallet, extra hair ties and my phone. I walked downstairs and saw my kitten still sleeping. I feel like taking it today. But, oh well.

I made sure Squishy, my kitten, had food and water before exiting my apartment and locking the door behind me. I took my phone out and texted Luke, telling him I'm on my way. He soon replied with a simple 'okay'.

The elevator dinged and I walked out. I just walked along the pavement towards the mall we were going to. Jenna and Rose were gonna shop for their prom dress. 

The mall was just near, so I reached there in under 20 minutes. After I walked in and strolled around for 5 minutes, I decided to text Luke again.

Me: Where r u guys?
Lukey Poo: Boys r at game stop. Girls at H&M
Me: K thx

I walked towards Gamestop first to meet up with the boys. And maybe buy some new video games. I heard the latest Grand Theft Auto came out recently.

Entering the shop, I hear three boys bickering about which game was better. The most recent Mario Kart or Mortal Kombat. The three boys were Luke, Calum and a tall boy with curly goldenish hair and mesmerizing hazel eyes wearing a shirt with 937119838464 holes in it.

"Girls! Please!" You interrupt them, teasingly scolding them. You smirked as they gave you eyes and mimicked a fake smile.

"Now that you're here, we can decide." Luke declared. He placed two games on each palm and showed it to you. "Which game is better, Mario Kart or Mortal Kombat?"

"Mortal Kombat. I love gruesome." You shrugged.

"HA!" Luke and Calum yelled into gorgeous boy's face.

"Okay, okay." He surrendered. "Sheesh."

"Are you buying Mortal Kombat? I wanna play with you later, then!" I announced.

"Wait, you play video games?" The boy asks me.

"Yeah." I shrugged as if it's no big deal.

"That's one of the things I look for in a girl." He states. "Gotta be a gamer."

"Okay..." I say.

Luke nods his head towards the cashier and Calum and I follow him.

I felt a warm and big hand envelope around my upper arm. I turned around, it was him again.

"My name's Ashton. Ashton Irwin." He smiled.

"Okay. My name's Violet." I smiled back.

"Isn't that a color?" He asks.

Oh my.

"Yeah!" I faked enthusiasm.

"Wait, can you see color?" He asks curiously.

"Nope, not yet." You answered honestly.

"Ooh, bummer. I've found my soulmate." He declares like a happy child.

"Wow. Who's the lucky girl?" I asked. Dammit, I wanted him.

"Rosemarie Evans." He grinned childishly.

"My Rosemarie?" I asked him.

"I don't know." He shrugged, still smiling.

Rose would tell me if she found her soulmate.

"How long have you guys met?" I asked.

"Few weeks ago. But I can see color." He answers.

"Oh, okay." I looked over to Luke and Calum looking over the game. "Thanks, but I have to go."

"Okay, bye!" He waves.

"Bye." I answered, walking over to the boys with my head down.

"How was Ashton?" Luke asked, smiling teasingly.

"Is he 'your type'?" Calum asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Guys, he's found his soulmate." I sighed. "And there's a possibility his soulmate may be Rose. Our Rose."

Their eyes widened.

"H-how?" Luke asked.

"I dunno. Unless there's somebody else named Rosemarie Evans that has been going on dates the past few weeks." I shrugged.

"Okay, okay. Did you ask for her middle name?" Calum asked.

"No, stupid. Nobody asks that question about people from other people." I answered. "Especially people you just met."

"Sorry! What's got your panties in a knot today?" He asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"I dunno, maybe the blood that's oozing out of me and into my pad and trying to disintegrate." I said.

"Ew." They cringed.

"Sorry, I just... It's just.. Life has become boring for me. And I don't wanna die not experiencing color. Sometimes I wish my soulmate would just pop out of nowhere, let me see all the colors and then I can just jump off a building." I teared up.

"Vi, don't say that!" Luke said, pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah, baby, I know you're gonna see color soon." Calm said, joining the hug.

It's either my mood swings or frustration.

Imagine your life without color for the next 19 years. Won't you get bored of life and feel like dying sometimes?

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