Part Two

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My head was still in a haze from the weekend. I couldn't what had happened actually happened. I don't know if I regret the whole thing or if it just scared me. Everything happened so fast. Did I really sleep with Louis? Or was it all just some dream? Either way, it was enjoyable. It's been on my mind since I left Saturday morning.

Now, being Monday morning, it's still lingering in my thoughts. I buried it with other thoughts just so I could function without zoning out every five minutes.

I got to school and proceeded to go to my first hour, maths. When I walked into class, Jake and Brent were sitting where they always sat. I felt a rush of guilt run over me. I swallowed hard and sat down next to them. Brent turned to me, and Jake was talking to some other guys on the team.

"Hey, Harry," Brent said casually.

"Hey, man. What's up?" I responded trying my best not to sound so nervous. It was ridiculous. How would they have found out? They read minds or smell Louis on me.

"Not much, but guess who's taking Heather out this weekend," he continued.

"Who?" I asked not even thinking.

"Me! We're going to the movies and then I'm gonna take her out to the back roads if ya know what I mean," Brent suggested as he pushed on my arm. I was feeling too uptight to act normal.

"Harry, what's up with you? You're acting like you've got a stick up your ass," Brent commented. My stomach turned.

"Nothing. I'm fine. I'm gonna go get a drink before the bell rings," I told him, and I stood up and left the classroom.

I walked quickly through the crowd of people to the restrooms. The room was dirty and smelled awful. I hated going in there, but it provided some much needed privacy. No one else was in there.

I rested my hands on the sink and stared into the mirror at myself. I needed to calm down. No one was ever going to find out about me and Louis. It just wasn't going to happen. Nobody could've seen us. I turned on the faucet and splashed some water onto my face. The cool water was refreshing and helped me get a grip. I was gonna be fine.

I made my way back to my class. I managed to get myself through whatever conversation Brent brought up. The bell was still a relief though. I didn't have second or third hour with Brent or Jake. That didn't stop me from tapping my pencil constantly. I guess you could call it a nervous tick. I think I did it subconsciously because I had been told to stop multiple times. Oh well.

Lunch that day made me want to throw up for a number of reason: guilt, anxiety, the food.

"What do you think Heather's gonna look like naked?" Brent asked us. I had to keep myself from making a face.

"I bet she's pretty fucking hot. I saw she's got a belly button piercing," Jake commented.

"I'm more interested in what's below that," Brent joked. Jake laughed and I forced a smile to them.

"Yeah, that'll be great," I said.

"Hey, Harry. Have you heard back about that football scholarship yet?" Jake asked. I had to think for a second about what they were talking about before it hit me.

"Oh. No not yet. I'm kinda nervous about it though. This is really what I'm relying on," I confessed.

"Nah, don't be. You're too badass of a player for them to pass up," Jake said elbowing me. I cracked a smile. God, I hope he was right. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't get it. I don't know what my dad would do if I didn't get it.

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