Part Three

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It's been almost two weeks since I really got to see Harry. Sure I saw him in the hallways during passing period, but that wasn't enough. It was hard to miss him. We barely got any words together.

My parents had grounded me because they caught me smoking weed. I usually could get away with it, but for whatever reason, they smelled it on me this time. I was lectured for a good three hours before they told me I couldn't go anywhere or do anything indefinitely. That meant I couldn't go to Harry's house, and he couldn't come to mine. My parent's don't get home until the evening but they take off early sometimes. I did manage to get to text him and tell him what was happening so he'd know I wasn't ignoring him.

All I got to do was go to school and go to rehearsal for the play. I was glad they let me stay for play practice. It was a nice way out of the house.

It was Tuesday when I was sitting in my English class with my friend Katrina. I just called her Kat though. I remember I had talked to her last year about Harry, but that was when he was in one of my classes and before everything happened.

"Hey, Louis, did you finish the homework for math?" Kat asked me.

"Do I ever?" I asked with a laugh. I hated math. She should know better. That was literally the only class I had to cheat in to get by.

"True," she commented. My English teacher, who also happened to be my director came into the room. She sat at her desk and paid full attention to the computer. We always had time to talk in that class.

"Oh! I almost forgot to tell you something!" Kat said suddenly with a beam of light in her eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"There's this guy from the next town over who just moved there, and he's gay," she told me.

"Okay, and?" I asked as she pulled out her phone and looked up his picture. She showed him to me. He was attractive, I'll give him that. I would say he's on Harry's level. I nodded before saying anything else.

"Yeah, he's pretty hot," I said examine her phone.

"You should add him! You're always saying how hard it is to come across guys around here," she continued.

"I dunno," I said trying to think of an excuse. I did think he was really hot, but Harry was who I liked. I liked Harry's looks and personality. I wasn't about to throw that all away. But I also couldn't tell Kat about him. I promised I wouldn't out Harry.

"Oh come on. He'd definitely want to talk to you. If you don't talk to him, I will for you," she threatened.

"No, Kat. I just don't want to date right now... I'm waiting until college," I bullshit. That was a total lie.

"One night stands still exist though?" She kept on.

"Really, I'm okay," I told her.

When class finally started, it was a relief from that conversation. It got me to thinking though. I just wanted to be with Harry. Yet there was this other guy who was just as good looking and out. Granted I didn't know his personality, I could. It'd be a much easier relationship.

But on the other hand, I had been daydreaming about Harry since forever. He was still new to everything, but we could work through that. That is the reason I forgave him so quick to the incident with his friends the other week. As low as it was, I wanted him too much. It probably wasn't the best thing to base a relationship on but not everyone's perfect. I was torn.

After rehearsal that day, the cast walked back to the drama room to go home.

"Have a good night everyone," Mrs. Gale called as we left. I then stopped in my tracks. My script was still in the auditorium. I went back that way. Nearly everyone was gone and Mrs. Gale was in her office.

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