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                                                                          Brooklyn's POV

    When we got to the school and into the building the halls were completely empty. Rachel and Hannah decided it would be easier for us to split up and look for everyone I don't know why but I agreed and started to walk around the hall like a lost puppy looking for its owner when I found a note that says "Its fun to eat but after you have to move your feet". "What the actual fuck does this mean" is said out loud looking for any more notes. Running through the halls there was a not on the cafeteria door that gave me steps to follow walk back to the entrance hall and take  ten steps left and then seven steps straight there is your destination for this day. Following the steps and getting lost in the process I made my way into the gym where the whole school jumped out and screamed SURPRISE!!!! of course they throw me a welcome back party even though I begged them not to. Rachel and Hannah ran up to me and gave me a drink and cheered to me being back. Taking a huge gulp of the drink they gave me I immedly  realized they gave me beer they pulled me on to the dance floor where Hannah got drunk and danced like an animal snuck out to be by myself.

                                                                              Samuel POV 

    Walking into school and seeing no one could mean two things either I'm early or there's no school. Also being new means that I don't know where I'm. Walking deeper and deeper into the school I herd the sound of music and laughter coming from the gym opening the doors and being knocked in the chest by a girl with dark brown hair, olive skin, and big dark brown eyes.

 S: "Sorry" I said moving out her way.

B: "No that's alright I should've been looking where I was going" she said smiling. "I'm Brooklyn" she said sticking her hand out for me to shake.

 "I'm Samuel" 

                                                                         Brooklyn's POV

After what felt like hours of silence I finally spoke up and asked "Do you want a drink"?

Nodding his head I lead him to the bar Hannah had made and got him a beer. We talked and talked during the whole party and offered to show him around school.

B: "So you're new here" I asked

S: "Yea, I just moved back here". He said

B: "So you live here with your parents"?

S: "Um no they died when I was young I stay here with my Aunt Jane".  "What about you do you live here with your parents"? He questioned me

B: "No actually um last winter my parents died from a car crash I was the only survivors.  The doctors said it was a mystery how I made it out because the door was crushing every bone in my leg. But that's not really good party chit chat". I gave a nervous laugh

 S: "I've never been good at party chit chat". He said staring his forest green eye into mine.  "Speaking of this party who is it for"?

B: "Oh yea the party is for me my friend Hannah put it together for me coming back to school. She goanna kill me for ditching".

Walking back into the gym Hannah ran up to me demanding for me to tell her where I been.  She  looked over at Samuel and gave a flirtish smile and giggle.

                                                                    Hannah's POV"

H: "Hi I'm Hannah, Brooklyn's friend.  She never talked about you before". I said giving a giggle 

S: "Samuel nice to meet you Brooklyn and I actually just met". "I should go and find her. It was nice talking to you".

H: "Well I can help you find something better than her". I smiled giving my signature lets have sex wink.

S: "Hannah it's never gonna happen between us". "Never. Ever".

                                                                        Rachel's POV

R: "Come on Brooklyn admit he has that whole romantic book stare".

B: "OK, OK I admit it he is a little pretty".

R: "Gramps said that I'm a witch".

B: "Yea, then you gave him another shot of alcohol".

Both girls laughing

B: "Well if your a 'witch' then tell me my future". "Oh, wait you need a crystal ball". "um here a beer bottle".

                             -Rachel touches Brooklyn's hand-

 R: "Woah"!

B:"What did you see something"?

R:"No, I felt something when I touched your hand".

B:"What did it feel like"?

R:"I-It was cold like, like  DEATH"?!


R:"It's the drinking. I'm drunk. Don't listen to me Brooklyn your not gonna die. I'm going to get a refill".

                                                                  Brooklyn POV

What did she mean by 'death'? What is it that she is not telling me? Where did Samuel go? I better go find him.

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