Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The next few days flew by fast and Maggie was busy with work. And like Luke had threatened, he returned to his corner table, every day. And he stayed for the entire day; watching her silently. Once in a while she went to refill his coffee cup, but whenever she did, she ignored his gaze.

She now knew what that weird feeling had been of the first day. He had watched her while she had been unlocking the doors, and then later when she had entered the shop. A few hours later he had come in. It drove Maggie nuts that this boy couldn't just give up and leave her alone. And because she knew that he was watching her, she messed up so many orders for her customers. Her thoughts were constantly drifting off to the handsome boy in the corner. And he seemed to know it, because whenever their gazes collided, Luke would refuse to look away first and he watched her with a knowing smirk. His look made her feel beautiful, but it also made her feel terrified. Terrified what that look was doing to her insides and horrified about her reaction to him. She didn't understand what the boy really wanted. But she knew that she couldn't, no shouldn't, believe the story he had told her.

So whenever Luke tried to talk to her, she sweetly told him, ''Please. I'm not going to fall for your stupid story, so you might as well give up and find yourself a new chick to bother.'' She never gave him the chance to reply to that and would always quickly leave, before he said anything to her.

When he came in for the fourth day in a row, to watch her silently, Maggie refused to serve him any longer.

''Kristine, please, please wait his table.'' She begged her best friend. She knew that she sounded like a little whining kid, but at this moment she could care less.

Sighing, Kristine shook her head. ''He wants you babe, so quit being so stubborn and let him be yours. At least give him a chance.''

Frustrated with everyone at that moment, she stalked up to Luke's table and glared at him. All he did in reply was raise an eyebrow at her. But she refused to give in. She was being downright rude at this moment, but she couldn't bring herself to even manage a smile, even if it would be a fake one.

If Spike would see her at this moment, he would probably be forced to kick her in the butt. Wincing slightly in guilt at that thought, she nearly blushed.

''What are you doing here again?'' she asked in a low, angry voice.

''What does it look like? I came here for my morning coffee, Sweetheart. You know, the one with no sugar, milk, or cream?'' He was mocking her again and it only added to the list of things she was mad at right now. She couldn't believe that Luke would be this stubborn! He was being unbelievable!

''You need to go away.'' Maggie insisted. ''I won't come with you, so please leave this town and stop bothering me!'' she barely kept herself from growling at him. With one last glare at the infuriating boy, she whirled around and stalked back to her counter.


The next few days also went by fast, but with no change. Luke was still there; every day. She had given up on trying to get him to leave, and was staring to get really annoyed.

After a hard day at work, Maggie was finally done and on her way to her house. Walking slowly, with little energy left, she made her way home.

She didn't live too far away; the Drip n' Sip coffee place was in walking distance to the house that she, and Kristine, shared. The two girls had bought the house a year ago when they both planned on going to university. They needed a place to stay; a place that wasn't too far away from the University. And because they both went to the same one, they had bought the house. They equally shared any paying they had to do and got along very well.

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