Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Later that evening Maggie found a moment alone and escaped outside onto the balcony. She stood looking out at the millions of stars and marveled about her life. Just a few weeks ago she had been a normal girl, living a normal life. Now she had more business and money than she had fingers and toes. She was amazed about how things were going for her. She was even going to be able to keep studying to become a teacher. Everything was going to work out perfectly for her.

Sudden footsteps made Maggie glance around. It was Luke who was slowly approaching her.

"Thanks for ..." She started to say. At the same time Luke spoke. They stopped talking, laughed awkwardly and then at the same time started again.

"You go ahead." Luke insisted; while Maggie tried to insist that Luke start first. After a few more awkward stops and starts, Luke finally started talking.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you who I really am... I know I should have told you from the beginning on, but I didn't want you to hate me anymore...'' he slowly trailed off with a shrug.

"No! Luke, you saved my life today. I was angry and hurt with you before, but I have come to realize that you did what you had to do. I wouldn't have become friends with you if I'd have known you were rich and who your parents are." Maggie sighed before she added softly, "Thank you for that. I didn't deserve your help at all."

After they had both called it a truce, Luke laughed.

"I can still barely breathe from the elbow jab you gave me earlier'"

Blushing Maggie averted her gaze from his and started to slowly turn away from him in embarrassment. He stopped her with one gentle touch, a fingertip to turn her face towards his. He suddenly stood so close that she could feel his breath tickle a blond curl on her forehead.

"Maggie," he whispered. "You make me catch my breath."

She had to look up at him; she couldn't help herself. If she thought she should still be angry or embarrassed, it all disappeared at the look on his face. With his green eyes aimed so deeply into hers, she believed that in that moment he hadn't meant to ever hurt her. He had only wanted to be her real friend.

Luke stared at her for a few seconds, and then his lips slowly came down on hers. She had neither strength, nor will, to resist. He was very gentle; careful at first, until he must have sensed that she had a complete lack of resistance. His mouth was warm, soft, and felt smooth against her own.

Maggie didn't know for how long they were kissing, but when Luke's lips left hers, she gasped. Staring wide eyed at him, she didn't know how to react. He had made her speechless for once. He lightly rested his forehead against hers and gazed into her eyes with his intense look. He was also breathing heavily.

He lightly touched her lips with a fingertip, and then pressed a soft kiss to her forehead before pulling her tight against his body.

"Maggie. I...I know this might be sudden...but I can't hold back any longer." Luke's husky voice made her blush a deep red. "I-I love you Maggie. I love you so much that I want to be your forever guy..." He set her away from himself so he could see her face as his voice trailed off.

Maggie felt her mouth fall open at his declaration.

"You love me?" she asked incredulous.

"From the bottom of my heart." He answered honestly with a twinkle in his eye. When she didn't reply to that and instead kept staring at him, he got nervous. "Say something." He told her with an adorably anxious look on his face.

"Luke....l love you too!" she said with a giggle, and threw herself into his waiting arms again. For the second time their lips met and Maggie lost herself in the world they created. She forgot about everything else that surrounded her.

After some more cuddling and kissing, they started talking. Their heads bent close to each other and Luke's arms circled around her, holding her close.

"I can't believe that this is going to be my life." Maggie said. "It's like one of those fairytales where the Cinderella gets her Prince Charming and they all live happily ever after."

Luke tenderly tucked her against his chest and rested his chin on the top of her head. "I'll gladly be your Prince Charming; because you are my Cinderella."

Maggie suddenly had the urge to giggle and her silent laughter shook her shoulders.

"Happy?" Luke asked with a chuckle.

"You don't even know. I have everything a girl could ever want. Well almost." she added when she thought about her parents. She wished that they could have seen her tonight.

"They would be very proud of you, you know." Luke softly said. He hugged her close.

"I know. And I couldn't be any happier. I just wish they were here today with us," Maggie smiled. "But I wouldn't want to be anywhere else because I have never been this happy... And this is only the beginning."

A/N: So here is the entire story. :) I would appreciate it very much if you guys would comment on mistakes or if I should change something...anything. I hope you have enjoyed the journey of this story!

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