October 10

20 1 2

I don't know why
But I felt I had to try
A thousand words is a lot
Probably more than I've got
I know rhyming isn't necessary
But everything, right now, just feels scary
Rhyming or not
A thousand words is still a lot
Oh, dear I repeated that line
In poetry that might be a crime
Wait, that didn't rhyme
Okay, I saved that one, fine
Something weird is happening here
I might be losing it, I fear
That's a rhyme if you read it loud
Okay, not a good one I get that
But look at that cloud
It looks like a cat

So that was one hundred
So just ten more then
Do you think I can make it
Can't even find a rhyme that fit
Cannot imagine how I'll feel when
I'm done and my poem is read
Will anyone ever think that it's good
Or will everyone think that I'm weird
When the whole point of writing
Are the words I keep counting
Maybe eyes will be teared
I hope, knock on wood
That, at least, you won't hate me
Or worse, hit me, maybe
Please, I am sorry
You can stop now, don't worry

I won't take offence
That previous sentence
Made us pass the second hundred mark
It's okay if you want to go
This is going kind of slow
If you want to know
It's not a walk in the park
And I guess it'll only get worse
I'll wish I'd never started writing
I could have become a nurse
But writing, oh, that was my thing
I could wish myself good luck
But to type that rhyme would be bad
I think I'll duck
And just be sad
That of all things I could have done
I find this, three hundred one

If anyone's still with me
I need a break
No one knows just how long
This will take
Maybe forever, it will be
Slithering forward like a snake
Reaching from LA to Hong Kong
As easy as a piece of cake
Please don't expect any rhyme or reason
I might fall just like the season
Let's be honest, you know I will
Fall like the October's chill
Cover ground with icy frosting
Yep, from now on that's a thing
Wish the frosting the cake would cover
Wish this poem would be over
This is really going nowhere

Four hundred was so close
I skipped ahead some
I apologize to all those
Of you who come
Here to count my
Words and to see
If I really do try
To real honest be
About this test
Of mine
I am not the best
This time
The rhytm is halting
The rhymes are faulting
Let's say
It was my intent
And pray
You don't find my content
To be lacking
Any sense or meaning
I'm seriously just hacking
Anything out and leaning
Towards my inability to English
Using my old excuse
I'm really, honestly Swedish
As if that's any news

Half way
Are you still there
Is there anybody here
I'm the only one
I expected that none
Would stay
Making the line very short doesn't help
In the end it's the word count that matters
Mad hatters
How could you ever assume
That I could ever make it
Sending me off to impending doom
No way to avoid getting hit
Or bit
By the judgmental haters
Who never appreciate content creators
For the effort we put in
Just so we can some appreciation win
But you know I'm not good enough
Excuse me my cold, got to cough

Getting really frightened now
I wonder what you will have to say
Maybe you're wondering how
How can you find a way
A way to even begin to explain
That this is so bad
Reading it causes you pain
But it's okay, I won't be mad
Maybe it would help you if I confessed
That this poem is terrible
I've already guessed
That reading it is quite unbearable
I am really sorry
I kind of wrote it in a hurry
Didn't take much time to think
Didn't really think at all
I need a drink
And someone to call

I think I need someone to talk to
Someone who can make this thing stop
We're at seven hundred words though
I couldn't imagine it, could you
I mean right back there at the top
But on and on we go
Adding word to word and then one more
Who'd even know that I've never
Ever really done this before
It's like I've just flipped a lever
The words, they pour out
Flowing like running water
I cannot stop them
My brain knows no doubt
If this was my first born daughter
She could not be a more treasured gem

Eight hundred, oh my, we're getting close
When this paragraph is done nine hundreds past our nose
Oh, finally, I just can't wait to reach the end
I forgot my blog, I have to press send
I'm so caught up I forgot my obligation
I have readers who follow that frustration
Okay, it's published, my blog is out there
And finally this poem seems to be getting somewhere
How long would it take to do this for real
Probably longer than a broken bone needs to heal
A poem with meaning and as long as this
So many blogs I'd miss

Still, finally here we are
On the home stretch, now it's not too far
But I tell you for sure, this has hurt my head
And right now I really want to go to bed
Forever I'll stay there, I so need to rest
And no need to tell me, this isn't my best
I know that it's been a journey for you
And I'm sure you need to rest too
Still, I gave it a try
I still don't know why
But one thousand words it will eventually be
Then I will stop and just say: blessed be!

Thousand Word PoemWhere stories live. Discover now