Chapter 1

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I hug mg coat tighter around my body. The wind blows, pushing against my body, bringing the cool air with it. The sky glows an orangish yellow from the sun rising in the east.

It's the middle of October on a Saturday. I don't know how my best friend, Ryan, convinced me to come to his house so early. Usually I sleep in until nine.

I think he said something about a new project for us to do. We get bored sometimes, so Ryan thought it would be fun if we did stupid things together like learn to hot wire cars. He also said there would be food, which is what sold me in.

He won't tell me what we'll be doing. It just better be good, I hate walking alone when most people are still sleeping. It's kind of eerie.

I run these streets everyday, but they seem completely different with no one else around. The only noise is the whaling of the wind and the occasional bark from a dog.

My Mom would probably freak if she knew I was out here. She won't ever know though, she started work an hour ago. What Mom doesn't know, doesn't bother me.

She is just scared that something could happen to me. Me, being her only daughter out of five kids, all alone. She is always reading news articles about children being kidnapped. Afterwards, I always find a new bottle of pepper spray or a whistle on my keys.

I laugh to myself, what good a whistle would do in this wind and time of day. Especially since I accidentally left them on the dresser of my room.

Mom shouldn't worry though, I can handle myself. Another stupid project Ryan and I did was pressure points, I could make someone's arm go numb for a minute. I do it to Ryan all the time. He hates it.

Lets say something did happen to me, like being robbed, my brothers would hunt whoever did it down.

Devan and Evan are twins and the oldest. They are in their sophomore year in college. They have the same blue eyes as me but their hair is a deep brown, while mine is blonde. They run, so they'd chase anyone down, even if they made me cry.

Then it's Nick. He's a senior in high school. He looks like me more than the twins. Nick isn't really the sporty type, but he could figure out who did it and where they are hiding. He is going to go to college, he's going to study to be a doctor, but I'm always telling him to be a detective.

Caleb is my younger brother. He has brown hair and deep brown eyes from Dad. I used to always call him the baby of the family, but now I can't. He taller than me and he's only a freshman. All my brothers are tall, I'm average, 5'9". Now he calls me the baby. Caleb would be the one throwing the punches.

I still have four blocks before I get to Ryan's. I'm going to kill that boy. My hair is starting to blow around my face, it used to be in a pony tail, now it's probably a mess.

"Morgan?" Someone asks from behind me. He sounds familiar. He's not Ryan, his voice is to deep and he didn't call me Chocolate, because I love chocolate so much.

I must know him though, how else would he would he know my name?

I turn around and there is a guy standing there. He's tall, taller than my brothers and his brown hair is a mess from the wind. He has clear blue eyes that look so familiar that its driving me crazy.

He's smirking, "Do I know you?" I ask. I know I've seen him before.

He's quiet for a moment. It seems like he is scanning the area, "You will."

Then a pair of hands wrap around my waist and mouth and start pulling me backwards to the street. Trapping my arms at my side.

Oh god, this can't be happening. I start to kick wildly trying to break free. His grip just gets tighter and then the other guy, the one that was behind me grabs my flailing legs and picks them up. The two men

All my screams are muffled. My vision starts to blur from tears, but I hold them back. They won't see me cry.

I slip my little wallet purse off my wrist and let it fall to the ground. I just lost everything, but I left a sign of what happened.

I'm hauled in to an SUV. I'm put on the seat in the back. My first instinct is to try to get out the other door. It won't open, I didn't even know SUV's had child locks.

Then I try getting out the door I was put in through, but when I turn around, the first guy is sitting right there. The door is still hanging wide open, but it's like he reads my mind because he immediately slams the door shut before I get the chance to scream.

There goes my slim chance of someone hearing my scream. I blew it, trying to open a door that I knew was going to be locked.

The second man is in the front seat getting ready to drive. Not knowing what else to do, I start banging on the tinted windows.

If anyone out there can't see me, they sure will hear me. The engine starts up.

Hands grab hold of my arms and pull my entire body back. The familiar guy holds me against his body, like he is cradling me. He is trying to calm me.

He's strong. I'm fighting against him with all my strength but he isn't loosening up one bit.

The car starts to move, my fear keeps growing higher. "Let me go," I plead.

"I'm sorry," he says blandly.

"No your not," I hiss at him. I start to dig my nails in to what ever part of his arm I can.

"Stop that!" He says sternly. "Your right, I'm not sorry. Soon you will be thanking me for this."

I keep fighting after that. I fight till we get to the edge of town before I finally stop from exhaustion.

As soon as we leave town, it's like a dam breaks inside of me. Tears start flowing down my cheeks uncontrollably.

I failed. Not only did I fail myself, I failed my family as well.

I know I'll probably be dead in a few days now. Probably end up in a ditch or in the middle of the field somewhere. All alone. The whole time my family worried sick, my Mom trying to figure out where she went wrong or how this could've been avoided. Dad thinking that someone has his little girl out there, probably hurting her. My brothers trying to find me at all times and Ryan, killing himself on the inside because I was walking to his house when this all happened.

I'm not crying for long when I hear the guy holding me whisper, "Please don't cry." I want to slap him. I want to kick him at hit him and his friend so bad.

"It's going to be better once we get home," he says, as if he is trying to distract me.

A strip of black is is put around my face. I squeak.

This is it. They don't want to see the horror in my eyes as they kill me so they cover my eyes up. Those cowards.

"It's ok," he says quickly, "I just don't want you to see where we are going. It's a surprise."

"Why wait?" I ask, "Why not just get it over with and kill me now?"

He chuckles, my body moves with his chest, "We aren't going to hurt you. I'll make your life better. You'll be making mine better."

What? Now I'd rather have them kill me. At least my family won't have to worry anymore.

And I wouldn't have to figure out what kind of crazy pills these guys are on. I bet they will use me, all day. My stomach tightens at a revolting thought that enters my mind. Maybe much worse than that.

I don't know how, but somehow I found sleep amidst all this confusion and terror, in the arms of my kidnapper.


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