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Elsa POV
I see nothing but black when I was hearing a crowd I tried opening my eyes but they felt as if there were weights on them. I tried once more this time light splashed in ,as my heavy lashes fluttered like how a butterfly flaps it's wings. But when they open all I saw was these familiar pair of clear ocean baby blue eyes with small wisps of white hair in them and black eyelashes-blacker then cole a small defining scar under his eye if you were close enough. I started heaving my self a little picking my weight up slowly when I did  the guy told everyone to back up thats when I notice ther was a crowed around us each whispering quietly like feathers. He asked me if I was okay I nodded my head even though my cranium felt like there was a bull tearing up a China shop but the only thing I could think is it was the guy that I saw earlier. I then felt an warm thick trickle coming down from my head I touched it panicking  as he gasped when I looked at my fingers a red substance . That's when all I know I am bieng sweeped up in two strong arms with everything moving around me when it hits me so obvious that hes running but....where

Jacks POV
She started to wake up I was intrigued by the way she fluttered her delicate eyelashes. People were surrounding her that's when she stared in my eyes studing every feature and staring as if she was looking inside my soul with those possesing eyes. She then started to get up carefully as she did this I told everyone to back up and give her space they all started whispering to each other. I asked her if she was okay she nodded her head slowly but I can see the pain in her eyes . Then thats when I saw a trickle of blood coming down her forehead astonished  at the sudden action I didnt now what I was doing just sitting there as she looked at her fingers thats when I didn't hesitate.

I swapped her up and started running to the academy as I got there I almost broke down my door placing her stuff on top of the bed and laying her down I went in my suitcase took out my first aid kit as I did I took a hand towel and soaked it in warm water placing it on her forehead as I bandaged her little scratch that was pooling with blood. I then stopped what I was doing and looked at her nuckles she probably scraped when she fell on the floor trying to subside the fall her small delicate hands laid on my perriwinlked sheets. I took it and wrapped it up carefully trying not too hurt her. Her hands were so soft and her plain fingernails digging in her skin when I first started to bandage it. She inhaled a long breath and got up and thanked me she was was slowly limpimg I helped her walk back to her dorm room and she asked for my name ,I was wondering what was hers too, I told her my name was Jack Overland Frost I asked her and she simply answered with Elsa Viviana Arendelle . I will see you again right,then her lips formed into a devious smirk, then she said I hope so...

I felt something in my stomache it was a ticklish feeling as I looked at her eyes one more time faling inlove with them just Woah.

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