Truth or Dare (Thomas FLUFF)

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The Gladers sat around the campfire, laughing and having a good time. Tonight was a night everyone got to relax, which didn't happen too often. It was amazing.

Thomas sat next to me, Gally's awful drink in his hand. I smiled sweetly at him and he handed the drink to me. I took a sip then made a bitter face.

"God, I hate it so much," I mumbled. Thomas chuckled and flung his arm over my shoulders.

"It is pretty shucking terrible," Thomas said. I nodded and handed it back to him. "I think Minho wanted to play truth or dare. Are you gonna join?"

I shrugged. "I suppose." Thomas grinned.


Minho stood from his spot across the fire and raised his arms above his head. "Okay, everybody, listen up!" Minho exclaimed. "We're gonna be playing truth or dare! Anyone that wants to play, come over here."

Thomas stood then reached his hand out. I grabbed his hand, smiling. Thomas pulled me up and led me to where Minho stood. We sat to the left of Newt and Minho sat beside me.

"Alright, who's gonna go first?" Newt questioned.

Thomas rose his hand then turned to Frypan. "Okay, Frypan, truth or dare?"

"Um... truth."

Thomas snickered. "Is it true you think I'm the most handsome boy in the Glade?" Thomas asked.

Frypan laughed and shook his head. "Oh, definitely not." Everyone laughed and Thomas pouted. "(Y/n), truth or dare?"

"Dare!" I replied, a small smile on my face.

"Kiss Minho."

My smile fell and I turned to Minho. A slight blush adorned his cheeks. I leaned forward a bit before lightly picking his lips. I scooted closer to Thomas and heard him mumbling indecent things.

"Shuck, I don't want to play anymore..." Thomas mumbled. "Minho is such a slinthead." I giggled and Thomas looked up.

"Truth or dare, Thomas?" I questioned.

Thomas shrugged. "Dare, I guess."

I smirked and scooted even closer to him. "I dare you to kiss me." Thomas's face immediately turned red. The other boys all hooted and hollered. Someone, probably Winston, shouted, "Get some, Thomas!" I giggled.

Eventually, Thomas grabbed my cheeks and kissed me. His lips were soft and tasted slightly sweet. I wrapped my arms around Thomas's neck and pulled him closer.

After a few more seconds of bliss, someone, Minho I assume, cleared his throat. "Do you guys want to go into the Homestead?" he asked. I pulled away and turned to slap him playfully on the chest.

"Shut up, Minho!" I exclaimed. Thomas nodded.

"Yeah, Minho, shut up."

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