Sorry I let you down (Outsiders Darry love story)

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She closed her eyes to the sound of rain hitting her roof. She was always one to love the rain there was a soft knock on her door "Jenny?" Her older brother asked quietly "yeah?" She asked half asleep. "Dad's asleep now, you can run in the rain if you want he won't know" Jenny bolted it up with a smile "get going" he whispered as she ran outside. She ran in her bare feet through the streets acting like a kid when really she was 17.

She ran to where she met the guys ever night it rained "Jenny!" Two-Bit yelled as she began to slow down. She walked over to the group soaked to the bone "Jen you're going to get a cold" Darry said "then I'll get one" she said with a smile. Jenny didn't ever care about what happened Steve grabbed her around the waist and hosted her up she laughed as he ran around. "Okay Steve put me down" she said in between laughs "who's going to stop me?" He asked "Steve!" She said jokingly as he dropped her but catching her again.

"Come on now" Darry said Steve brought her over again where she sat down. "What's the story on the rumble?" Jenny asked excited "why do you need to know?" Dally asked who sat beside her. "Well I want to help"

"No way" Two-Bit said "your brother and old man will kill us if we let you fight" Sodapop said. Jenny leaned in "and? Guys come on I want to beat up some Socs after what they did I have a right!" Jenny said defensively. Darry leaned in his ice blue eyes met Jenny's light hazel eyes "we can't risk you getting hurt" he said "I'm sure that's not the only reason" Two-Bit said Darry looked up at Two-Bit.

Jenny sighed "but my brother can go to the rumble?" They nodded Jenny lightly smacked her head off the table groaning. Dally put his arm around Jenny "come on Jen it's not that bad you'll be able to stitch us up after the rumble, Jee you're cold" he said putting his jacket around her. Jenny looked up the rain began to clear up revealing the dark sky, her brown/very light red hair became wavy. "I probably should head home" she said handing Dally his jacket "with no shoes?" Darry asked Jenny nodded.

Darry walked over and picked her up "uh Darry, what are you doing?" She asked as he put her over his shoulder. "You're not walking home without shoes, you'll stay with us until morning when your old man shows up to give you some"

"Darry he's going to flip if he finds out I left" Jenny sighed. "I'm going her way anyway" Dally said Darry dropped Jenny once again their eyes met before Dally threw Jenny over his shoulder. "Bye guys" Jenny said as Dally began to walk away her eyes still stayed glued on Darry's

Sorry I let you down (Outsiders Darry love story)Where stories live. Discover now