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I always struggled with having to get ready in the morning. Early mornings were my kryptonite and so, with the sky barely even being lit up by the sun, and with the moon still visible to the naked eye, I was in the mindset that if you could see the moon, you should still be sleeping. Thus, when it comes around to that time of year again, when school raises its ugly head, I was always late. And not like 5 minutes late, like you'd expect. I was always 20 minutes late, and it became part of my routine that the office ladies have already signed my late slip and are waiting for me to burst through the office doors. And this was one of those days.


I burst through the office doors, my chest heaving and my breath coming out in pants. I really needed to sort out this alarm situation. Pulling up my jeans, I try to recollect my breath and an easy smile slips across my lips as I take the late slip from Ms Ward.

"Thanks Miss." I say.

"As always, Jordan. You really do need to sort out that alarm though. You can't keep arriving this late." Ms Ward scolds with a smile on her lips.

"I promise that I will sort it out." I say with my hand on my heart.

"Just get to class, kid." She says and shakes her head. Waving with two fingers, I quickly exit the office building and make my way to my first period class; English.

As I was making to my English class, something splatters on my shoulder. Stopping dead in my tracks, I slowly turn to my left and glance at my shoulder. Just as I suspected, a bird shit on my shoulder. My lips turn into a firm line and I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of nose.

"What the actual fuck?! Why the fuck does this happen to me?! This is complete shit, what the fuck?!" I say as I stomp to the closest bathroom. I quickly rinse off the bird shit and tuck my jumper in my bag. Pulling at my sleeves, I finally make my way to the class room.

Pushing open the door, I enter the classroom and put my late slip on the teachers desk.

"Nice of you to join us, Jordan." My English teacher, Mrs Cowley, says.

"Sorry I'm late. A bird took a shit on my shoulder." You explain as people snigger from behind you.

"Just take your seat please." I sit down and focus on what she was writing down on my board.

"Welcome to Hell," A deep voice whispers from beside me.

"I was born in Hell, Gabriel. You already know that." I whisper back as I keep my attention on the whiteboard.

"Ya know, I heard that when I bird shits on you that it's good luck." Gabriel, my best friend, says after awhile.

"That's nice to know. Now, do tell me, what the fuck am I supposed to do with that piece of information." I say as I turn in my seat to face him.

"Well that's up to you, isn't it?" Gabriel remarks and picks up his pen. His green eyes meet mine, and he twirls his pen between his fingers as he raises an eyebrow.

"Touché," I say with a light voice as I avert my attention back to the notes being written on the board.

"You know, here's probably no point in copying down the notes, we've got like ten minutes left. I'll give you a copy tomorrow." Gabriel says after a few minutes of silence.

"Thank you," I mutter as I turn around to face the board once again.

"I've always got your back gurl." He says which causes a smile to jump to my lips. A chuckle escapes my lips as I turn my head to look at Gabriel. His well built frame is leaning back on the chair as he continues to twirl the pen between his fingers. I shake my head and the bell goes, signalling the end of class.

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