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I had always been a troublesome child; always the one to throw sand in the sandbox. Always the one to back chat the teacher, because I thought that I was top shit. You could say that this was a facade, a mask, a front. It was there to hide my inner turmoil and the struggles that I was facing each day, but I guess we'll never find out the truth behind my rebellious acts of stupidity. Because truth be told, it wasn't one of those idiotic acts, that got me where I am today; dead. I got where I am today because I was a selfish human being that didn't consider the future that was ahead of me. I was selfish, and I took the easy way out.

I was your average teenager; struggling through school, suffering from anxiety because of the shit load of pressure that not only my parents applied but also my teachers. I had two close friends but I guess they weren't really my friends, well one of them at least but we won't get into that. Thinking back on it, one of them acted all nice and cutesy and in reality, I knew that that was just an act to earn popularity points. To take on a charity case and get in good with the popular crowd because that's all she really wanted. Oh how I hate those despicable people. Anyway, this story isn't about them, this is the story of how I was a selfish human. This is the story of how I died.


Hello Peeps!

So I've decided to rewrite Broken and Bruised because I wrote that when I was like 13/14 and it's terrible. There are so many plot holes, plot errors, grammar errors etc. it's embarrassing. I was cringing when I was reading through a couple of the chapters. I cannot believe that you guys read that shit.

Anyway, so I am completely rewriting it, as I said, and the plot line will be slightly similar, waaayyyyyy less cliche, and a lot more mature because that's what has happened. I've matured and so has my writing and it's definitely improved as well. As I was saying, this rewritten version will flow A LOT better, and will actually make sense. I want to show the evolution of depression and anxiety throughout this new version, I want to show how it effects it has on people and how it affects the people that surround those affected.

Gabriel is defs coming back because I love that guy with a passion. It will be a One direction fan fiction but sadly, as Zayn as left the boys, he won't be included in this story. :'(.

Jordan in this new 'revamped' novel will be a lot more sassy and more stubborn than she was in the original version. She's also going to be way more bitter/cynical than how I originally wrote her character because I hate the "woe as me, give me sympathy" protagonists. She is definitely going to have a spine in this new version as well. I'm not going to tell you guys anything more but I will try my best to update as much as I can.

I've been away from the writing scene for a long time and I miss it and I so desperately want to come back. So, I hope you like the small excerpt from the new version. There's more exciting things happening in the future.

Peace out my homies.

Broken and Bruised (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now