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I was never a fan of skipping classes. Sure enough I hated school and would much rather be at home in my bed. However, my education was quite important to me and for my impending future. Granted though, my future was simple. I would graduate, go to Art school and go from there. It was simple. It was quaint. It was perfect, for me at least. When I told my mother my plan though, she thought that it was one of the most absurd ideas that she had ever heard. This of course lead onto one of our famous arguments that always ended with something broken or with someone crying, usually me of course because my Mum is a cold-hearted bitch but I guess I was my Mother's daughter . Obviously there was other things that needed drastic amounts of attention but a light was never shone on them. There was other things happening behind the scenes that lead to the fact that our arguments nearly always ended in tears. Things that weren't explicitly stated but was sworn to never been spoken of. But those things were, unfortunately, the ammunition I needed to fire back at my Mother who somehow managed to bring me down.


Worry gnawed at my stomach as we walked the back streets, avoiding the school grounds.

"Gabriel, I don't know how I feel about this." I say, coming to a stop.

The anxiety of being caught out of bounds churned in my stomach and caused me to feel faint and like I wanted to vomit.

"Jordan, we'll be fine. You don't need Social Studies to go to Art School anyway. I can assure you that we won't get caught." He says confidently, his eyes flickering across every inch of my face.

"You say that but I can see it in your eyes that you don't believe what you're saying. You little bitch." I tease.

"You know, I would greatly appreciate it if you'd stop eating at my masculinity. It hurts." Gabriel says with faux tears in his eyes, his hand on his heart.

"I could do that, but teasing you is so much better." I reply. 

"You're a horrible friend, did you know that?" He quips.

"Oh I know." I say with a smirk. He just looked at me with amusement and something else in his eyes. Something unrecognizable. Pushing it aside, we continue to walk further away from school and closer to where ever we are going. 

We had gotten our chips, and they were absolutely delicious. 

"Where are we going now?" I ask. At this point, one period and lunch had passed. I still had the worry which sat in the deepest pit of my stomach, taunting me. Eating at me.

"Now, my young grasshopper, that is a surprise." Gabriel says with an evil grin.

"Gabriel, I don't feel to good. Can we please go back to school or back to my place?" I ask, clutching my stomach.

"Are you alright?" 

"I literally just said that I wasn't feeling well. Can we just go to my place?" I say as I begin to head in the direction of my house. I guess that's the perk of living close to school. Gabriel looks at me with a weird look on his face but he follows me nonetheless. 

"You look really pale, Jordan. Do you need to the doctor?" Gabriel says this as my hands shake in my jacket pockets. My breath hitches in my throat as I open my mouth. I quickly shut it and give a slight shake of my head. He gives me another weird look but continues to follow me.


"Just chuck your bag there, I'll be back in  sec," I mutter as I head to the stair case. 

I can't believe I skipped class. I mean I've done it before but I always went to the next class. I feel like I'm going to vomit. Why was I stupid enough to listen to Gabe and just skip altogether. He knows what I'm like. He knows what happens when I venture away from my timetable. He knows that it's not good for my heart and my stomach. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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