Lone Hobbit 03

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Bilbo woke, but didn't open his eyes. The last thing he remembered was seeing mysterious shadows standing in front of him. They had called to him. Bilbo was sure that it had been his family coming to collect him. His mother telling him that he had been good and that he could rest now, but the feeling of something soft and warm under him made him rethink it. Maybe he wasn't dead.

Without opening his eyes, Bilbo could tell that he was in a room. A real room. In a bed that was soft and comfy. He couldn't remember the last time he had slept on something like this. It must have been almost two years by now. Since he last left him home in the Shire.

As his sense slowly filtered in, Bilbo could hear someone humming softly next to him. Bilbo had heard that voice before. It sounded so familiar.

"Do you think he'll wake today? It's been a long time." A voice to his left asked.

"When his body is ready, he'll wake. That's just how it is. If you stare at him anymore he may burst into flames." The voice to his right taunted.

"That's not funny Bofur!" The other wined.

"Then stop staring Kili," Bofur retorted. Kili made another wine sound before going silent.

"What have I told you about fighting?" Bilbo asked, his voice was hoarse and cracked as he spoke. He opened his eyes just in time to see everyone around him. Fili, Kili, and Bofur were on his right and on his left were Nori, Dori, and Dwalin.

"Mister Boggins!" Kili cried happily. "You're awake! Its been forever!"

"Its only been three days," Dwalin rolled his eyes. "But it has been a while since we last saw you. Took us near a year to find you. Thorin will be happy when he hears the news of you waking."

"Damn." Fili cursed. "I forgot to inform him of Bilbo's recovery."

"So, he doesn't even know we have Bilbo with us? He must be going out of his mind!" Dori chided, "Go write him at letter and send it now!" Fili quickly exited the room. "That boy is going to be the death of us."

"So how are you feeling? You've been out a while. You're also thinner then we last left you." Nori joked.

"Much better actually. Where's everyone else? Where's Thorin?" Bilbo spoke the last part softly. Kili gently took Bilbo's hand.

"He wanted to come with us, but he had to take care of the mountain. He sent his most trusted people to find you though. Fili doesn't know how to run a Kingdom yet, so Thorin had to stay behind." Kili smiled and moved to the dresser where a pitcher of water sat. "Thirsty?" Bilbo nodded.

"How's the Kingdom been holding up. Last I saw you were on the brink of war." Everyone winced at the statement.

"But we didn't. Bard gave us your note and that snapped our Uncle out of his idiocy." Kili said, handing a cup of water to Bilbo. Bilbo was glad that the war was stopped, really he was, but he couldn't help but wonder if his silly little note really did anything at all.

"Will you be coming back to the mountains with us?" Kili asked, his nativity made him look so much younger. Bilbo looked at him, how could he say no to such a hope-filled face?

"I don't know, Kili. My parting was not on the best of terms. Thorin- the King, may not want to see me right now," Or ever. Bilbo added silently in his head.

"But Bilbo! Thorin sent us to find you! He wants to see you again!" Kili argued.

"I would like to honor his request to not see me again," Bilbo shot back.

"Fine, you don't have to see Thorin, but at least come back so everyone else can thank you. You can't stay here and you're still weak, so Erebor will just be a stop on your journey home." Kili pleaded.

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