Love me

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Love me

It’s almost graduation day, Molly and Chase dated for a while but they never really became an item. I asked him about it at some point, but he just brushed it off like it wasn’t something important. I let it drop and didn’t talk about it again. I was happily jumping inside because of that, but I sometimes see the glint of sadness in his eyes, which made me worry from time to time.

Two week before graduation was our graduation ball. Everyone in the senior class is busy with the preparation, which created a sense of distance between Chase and me. We rarely see each other unless I asked him to come over for a game, but other than that, he was nowhere to be found.

It was two days before the graduation ball, and I still didn’t have a date, when Chase surprised me in homeroom as I was making some decorations. I didn’t notice the sudden disappearance of the people around me since I was preoccupied by my work. When I look up, I was left all alone in the room.

“Hello?” I ask curiously. “Very funny guys…” I added, a little annoyed and nervous.

Then, that’s when he came in the room, dressed up in a black tux and his hair in a shiny up-do. I was shocked, surprised by his appearance, and then I muffled a chuckled at his formality. He looks so gorgeous and hot that my heart was beating fast and my stomach was filled with butterflies, you can diagnose a fever coming off me in that moment.

“What are you doing here, looking like that?” I finally asked, the same time he stood in front of me with a smirk.

“Alexis Morgan, would you care to be my date for the ball?” he asks, slowly kneeing down, holding a bouquet of flowers in front of him.

I gasped at his words. I tried to pinch myself, wondering maybe I was dreaming. I hissed at the pain, and smirked at the reality in front of me.

“Wow… very cheesy…” I remarked as I took the flowers in front of him. “What took you so long?” I ask.

“Well… I do have to prepare all of this…” he stated, gesturing at the flower and himself. “So, your answer?” he ask, still kneeling down.

“Well…” I said, prolonging the moment, and then I chuckled at his discomfort.

“Really?”Chase asks, understanding my pause.

“Okay… Yes, I’ll go with you.” I finally said, like I didn’t have a choice.

“Oh, down play it. You were waiting for me to ask you…” he stated, standing up.

I didn’t comment after that, and let the flowers in front of me get my full attention. He got me right there; I was waiting for him to ask me. I turned down two offers because of wishful thinking. But, he did ask, so I didn’t let those words affect me.

For two days, I was busy dress shopping and having a makeover with my mom. Well, mostly it was my mom shopping for my dress. I was only there with her to try it on. The makeover was more or less like hell. They painted my nails, colored and chopped my hair and putting curls on it. This happened the day before the dance, so Chase didn’t know what I look like now.

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