""Are you happy"" is such a difficult question. I always say yes, because i have friend, i laught at jokes, i go out a lot, and have fun. My life isn't as bad as it could be, and i dont have terrible problems. It could be worse.
But then, one night at 3AM when i alone still awake, lying in bed, thinking about life, i find myself crying my heart out. Suddenly i convince that no one likes mr, or nobody will ever like me. I fell horrible and question everything i had
And i dont know if i ever happy at all.
'happy' is not my word, not my world mostly not me. Everytime im trying to be the best and that what broke me up
"Sadness"is almost like me. But sometime is complicated to understand. Why this things happen, why this thing must be, why this thing happen to me.
All this question appear when i started to losing someone, its come when im all alone, almost everynight i think about this,
"lonely" that me. Even im trying to stick up with my friend, this feeling never far from me. Sometime i like this feeling, and sometime its killing me.
The idea of 'lonely' come almost everytime i try to get trough my life, everytime i try to be the best. I know that i always be the unwanted friend
my life
Storie breviits not about happy ending but its about how the story told my life never about an happy ending