Chapter 2

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"What the hell?!" were the words that came from a bewildered Jarvis. He can't believe that they were saved by a spear of light! He can't believe that someone from the farm was rich enough to pay for the services of a magician. But all of that confusion was quickly replaced by urgency as he heard his father groan in pain. "Dad! Dad! Are you okay?!" running to his now slumped dad. Jarvis kneeled down and surveyed the wounds. "What do you think son! Arghh! I feel like I've been beaten by your mama!" Was the painful yet humorous reply of his dad; feeling slightly relieved but knowing his dad is still in some danger due to the wounds he received. Jarvis tried to use some potion his mama gave her as an emergency treatment in case something disastrous happened at their job. It healed some of the shallow wounds and scratches but there were some which needs to be treated at the healing temple. So with all his strength he pulled his father up and helped him walk to the gathering area were a temple apprentice that just arrived was waiting to assist in healing the wounded workers.

At the other end of the farm, a cloaked figure stood rigid and alone at one of the huge rocks; surveying the distraction the Peony Birds brought upon it, feeling satisfied with his handiwork and after making sure no farmers were heavily injured he relaxed a little. Suddenly three more cloaked figures appeared behind him and knelt before him. "Our Grace, we have returned." Taking little notice of the three, the man at the rock replied, "Have you finished dealing with the pests and surveying the other farms?" The one kneeling at his left side replied in an alert yet respectful voice, "Yes, our Grace, the pests have been dealt with and not a lot of farmers were harmed by the attack." "If not for our Grace's quick action there might have been a lot more casualties." said the man kneeling at his right side. The one kneeling in the middle continued, "Our Grace, It is not good for us to stay long. With the magic we wielded it is possible that the authorities of the Yellow Kingdom will take notice of our presence. We cannot be found out; our mission needs to be completed."

Knowing full well the truth in his follower's words, the cloaked man readily said, "You are correct, I have done enough to help them, our mission is of the highest priority. We head out immediately!" With that as his final words and the other three replying "Yes sir!" at the same time, they all disappeared with a flash of light.

Meanwhile, Jarvis having brought his dad over to the temple healer and being advised that his dad was going to be okay, he was left with nothing much to do but wait outside the treatment area. Sitting just outside under a tree, Jarvis started to remember what happened, specially the descent of those spears made of light. He replayed it again and again and each time his heart was filled with wonder and amazement on how easy it was for a magician to dispose of a monster that a normal person couldn't. While he was pondering about it he heard one of the workers talk to the owner of the farm, asking him about how much the owner must have paid for the magician to use his craft to save them, the only answer the owner gave him was that he didn't pay any magician and he does not have that much money to hire one, also that the nearby farms experienced similar forms of magic. Hearing this many of the people started whispering about what really happened. This made Jarvis all the more curious on whoever did them a favor. 


A few weeks after the incident, everything was going back to normal, there are still a few whispers of what happened but everyone at the farm decided that it may have been the work of a wondering magician. With that explanation satisfying most of them it became easier to go back to their normal routine. This however did not stop Jarvis from wanting to know more about magicians. Only problem is that even if he learns more it will not change anything as he still doesn't have any skills and talent to be one. With that in his mind he continued doing his job at the farm.

The harvest season was now over and that means that Jarvis and all the kids who are working in the outskirts of the Yellow Kingdom will now have to go back to the nearby temples for education. That also means another year of them being tortured in seeing apprentice magicians going about the same temple but learning better things than they do, after all, no student of magic will have to learn the art of soil tilling or mining. This infuriated Jarvis the most, the clear difference with them and the future magicians.

Only one more day before the start of classes and every one of his friends are preparing for it, he on the other hand is still helping his mama around the house wishing that time will stop for him. Evening arrived and he went up the roof of their house to look at the stars. Wishing that tomorrow will not come, wishing that his family lived a better life, wishing that he can explore the world, wishing that he becomes a magician. Not knowing that a twist of fate was in his near future that he will unlock a secret about himself that his parents hid from him. That a tragedy is looming in his near future.

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