Chapter 5

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"Shit! Ghoul I'm gonna die!"

Chapter 5

(Ghouls) They are one of the few known denizens of the VOID. Often described by the magicians who fought them as stubborn, low intelligence, single minded beings, they are also known for their ruthlessness and use of their poison imbued claws and sharp teeth to shred their enemies into unrecognizable pieces. Savage and stubborn in nature they would pursue their prey until one of them is dead.

Knowing all this information only served to terrify Jarvis even further, knowing that he needs to move quickly and fear pumping him with adrenaline, Jarvis did what any normal person would not do in this situation, he slowly took slow steps backing away from the Ghoul while it is chanting the words "I finally found you....I finally found you....". He knew that any sudden movements might trigger the prey instinct of the creature so he tried to remain as calm as possible. After backing away from the Ghoul a few steps Jarvis finally had his back at the Book Case he was just browsing a while ago. Trying to will his heart from beating erratically he tried to see if he can make a run into the left or the right side of the book case but before he can decide he saw in this peripheral vision the Ghoul raising its hand/claw and abruptly took a swing sideways where he stands. Relying on the will to survive Jarvis was able to dock hairsbreadth away from being sliced into two. "Shit!" with the words out of his mouth he scrambled to get up and decided to make a run at the left side of the now sliced book case.

"Help! Somebody help!" Jarvis shouted as he heard the Ghoul pursuing him. Hearing a sound like that of a sword slicing he managed to again dock as the Ghoul pursuing him took another sideways slice at him. Looking back and seeing that another book case behind him was obliterated by the sheer force of the Ghoul's swing Jarvis ran as fast as he can trying his best to get as much distance from the creature as possible. Trying not to lose hope seeing any people in the library, Jarvis tried to make a break to the front desk hoping that the Librarian would be there to help him. But before he can reach the front desk he found a mysterious cloaked person in front of him standing still. Seeing as the guy did not recognize the creature  running after him; Jarvis tried to shout for him to run away as well, "Hey! Hey! Run! Don't just stand there!". But the guy stubbornly stayed still. Deciding to just drag the guy out of the library, Jarvis tried to grab the guy upon reching him but the guy wont budge from his position. "Hey! Do you want to die!? Come on! We need to go!" But the guy still refused to move and said, "Stay still young one! I will handle it myself.". Hearing the loud footsteps of the Ghoul fast approaching Jarvis again tried to pull the guy out of the library. "Come on! We do not have any time for this!" but alas he was too late the Ghoul is again near enough to take a swing of his claws at them. But before the claws can reach them the mysterious guy stepped forward to meet the Ghoul's claw halfway.

Raising his right arm up at the exact time as the incoming claws blocking the incoming attack effortlessly, Jarvis observed the man was wearing a ruby red gauntlets. Parrying the attack of the Ghoul the mysterious man used the few seconds before the Ghoul could again attack to deliver a few blows of his own. The attacks made the Ghoul more furious, it started using both its hands to claw at the mysterious man, which the mysterious man parried with great ease, counter attacking with ease and elegance that would be more suited to a dancer. Finding it fascinating Jarvis was transfixed and stood there watching them trade blows when he heard the man spoke.

"I grew tired of you creature. Perhaps it is time to end this?!" and with that the man took a stance, raising his hands like that of someone holding something in front of him and then spoke an incantatation, "Spirit of the great king Vermilion, upholder of the divine justice, bearer of the mark of the hawk, grant me power to strike my enemies!" while speaking the words a powerful ball of light appeared in front of the man, in the middle of his raised hands and with the final words "Vermilion's Light!" pushed the blinding ball of light directly at the Ghouls location, destroying the Ghould along with everything in its immediate vicnity.

Blinking the blinding light away from his eyes and regaining his vision Jarvis looked at the place where the Ghoul was to see that it was gone leaving a burnt area behind. Heaving a sigh of relief, and disbelief on what just happened Jarvis felt his strength leaving him and felt the need to sit. "You have no time to sit here young man!" Upon hearing the man talk Jarvis directed his gaze at him, "Who are you and what just happened?". After a brief silence the armored guy replied, "All will be answered briefly but we need to get out of here, I used a spell to temporarily place this area into a closed dimension, rejecting anyone except us and the ghoul, but with such a strong spell someone will bound to notice sooner or later and I am not able to hold it up any longer anyway." The mysterious guy stated matter of factly. Jarvis absentmindedly studied the mysterious man while he was talking so he was not able to grasp what the guy was asking him suddenly,

"Do you still have your necklace with you? Is it still in good condition?"

"Ha? What necklace? Oh! you mean MY necklace! Yeah i still have it with me. Why?"

Releasing a sigh of relief the mysterious guy finally introduced himself, "Not my place to tell you I'm afraid, by the way the name is Rave Faust, let's get going before the dimensional spell i casted fades completely."

"What?! How bout the school? Where are we going? We need to explain this to our headmaster."

"I promise you, you do not want to be here after my dimensional spell fades and the chaos that would ensue after they find out that half of the library is destroyed. We need to meet my master and give him the news that you and your necklace are safe."  with that Rave grabbed Jarvis' arm and raised a clear crystal and murmurred, "Fleeting Vermilion". And like a mass of shining images of birds flying away they disappeared before the dimensional spell faded and that of chaos ensued thereafter.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2013 ⏰

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