Chapter 3

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Well I just want to first say thank you to the two people who were the first to comment on my story, achiles22 and TaranM. To the both of you, a big thank you for

inspiring me to continue on this story. I hope to be able to be as good a writer as the both of you. ;)


Chapter 3


The first day of the new school term has finally arrived and Jarvis is non-too happy about it, infact He HATED going to school. School is not bad because he doesn't do well acdemically; on the contrary he is a "Straight A, bordering teacher's pet" kinda student, no, the reason is that all the students wether magical or normal go to the same school/temple. It is the treatment that the normal students receive from their magical counterpart which makes going to school such a hated thing for most "non-magical" kids. Many of whom acts snobbish of those who don't have magic, even calling themselves the chosen ones and the non-magical as the cursed ones. 

In fact the treatment for the "magician apprentice", as the magical students are called, were vastly different from those of non-magical students. First and foremost, they are given an excuse to not attend lessons such as mining and land tilling and other labor related subjects with the reasoning that they wouldn't be able to use it in normal everyday life. Secondly, they were excused to any sort of kingdom sactioned odd jobs because they have to focus on their studies. And third but not the least, not only the magician apprentice but their family also are given importance by the kingdom by monetary allowances and by transfering them to better housing in the 'reserved-to-magicians' only part of the Yellow kingdom.

One of the only reasons he continued to go to school, aside from the obvious one being the Yellow Kingdom's mandate that all children learn a craft by going to school, is the expansive library that the central temple has opened to all students. He found joy and solace in reading books of all kinds but ofcourse specially of the magic kind, often imagining himself chanting an "Upheaval spell" that cause massive rocks to soar great hights or a  simple "Fireball spell" to make cooking easier at home, and the more intricate spells like "Windchild spell" which will allow him to fly great heights for a short period of time. He oftened stayed at the temple library whenever he gets a spare time just reading, hoping that even by just surrounding himself with magical books and learning all he can about magic he'd be able to someday at some level develop even just a tiny bit of magical abilities. A dream he knows would never come true.


As a force of habit Jarvis woke up early in the morning and prepared himself both physically and more importantly mentally as he battles a new term for non-magical students. Taking a very cold bath and preparing himself by brushing his teeth and wearing his uniform which consists of dark brown pants, golden yellow long sleeves and dark brown blazers with the emblem of the Central Temple of the Yellow Kingdom at its left chest side and not forgetting to wear his birth necklace with a pendant of the 'golden magic eye' he had since he was a kid, he finally felt somewhat prepared to go to school,and while looking at the mirror said, "This is the best as I ever could be!". Sighing, he went downstairs, greeted his mom and dad a good morning and ate his meal quickly to catch the earliest bus to the Central Temple. Bidding his mom and his still recovering dad goodbye, he went out of the house, ran the short distance and stood on the waiting shed. Noticing an old man whom he never met before waiting at the same shed as he was, he greeted the old man a simple "good morning" and focused his attention to waiting for the bus to arrive after hearing the polite reply the old gentleman gave him. While waiting for the bus to arrive, he found himself feeling that the gentleman was staring at him openly so he became a little bit nervous and foolishly looked back at the old man, noticing that the old man looked drunk and dirty in such an early hour.

When suddenly the gentleman spoke out of the blue, "Child, are you waiting for the bus to the Central City right now?" which he replied politely albeit a little nervously with, "Oh, yes I am. As you can see I'm off to school." "At such an early hour?" "Well, I like to be panctual, thats all." and smiled a little hoping that that was the end of their conversation. "Hmm. I see." Still feeling the stare from the old man, he nervously touched his pendant as he normally does when he gets nervous and hopes that the bus comes quickly. A few seconds afterwards he heard other students running to the waiting shed to catch the same bus he was taking. With the additional people at the waiting shed he was able to relax a little knowing that he is not alone with the man anymore. Finally, the bus came and he was one of the first to get in, trying to get as far away as he can from the weird man and after finding a seat tried to see from the window where the old man was and was bewildered to see him gone. Looking around the bus he found that the man was not in the bus with them which struck him with more confusion. Finally, the bus left the waiting shed and Jarvis decided to just forget the weird experience he had and just focus on his day ahead.

Back at the waiting shed, with the wave of his hand and the image of glass breaking and turning into crystal brids around him the old man reappeared in the location where he stood talking to Jarvis a while ago; looking more regal and dignified with his mage robes and an emblem of a hawk in his cape, proclaiming him to be arch-mage, but now with three more people behind him. The one of the left started, "Your Grace, are you absolutely sure about this." To which the magician replied, "He has the necklace but he must be tested still." "But Your Grace, he is but a child!? Is it not too harsh of a test for him?!" "Young one, I know of your concern but we do not have enough time, if he is who we think he is, than he only has a few years before he is thrust in anfathomable trials and harships. He must be tested and prepared as soon as possible." With conviction the three people said in unison, "We understand Your Grace, your will be done." With the slight bow the three people vanished to do their mission. "Let's just hope that we are able to prepare him enough before his destiny devours him completely."

With those parting words the arch-mage turned around and walked out of the waiting shed slowly vanishing in the process.

All of this happening without Jarvis knowing that this might be the end to his normal life and the start of his path to the Aria Levine's Royal Magic Academy and soon to greater destiny.

But before that, that this day his life will unravel with a tragedy.

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