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Aleana's POV

It's Monday morning and right now we're leaving back for LA. We actually just boarded the plane. Gabe, Camilla, and I sat in one aisle. I was in the middle, Gabe on my left and Camilla on my right. Gabe had already fallen asleep so I just talked to Camilla.

AG- I realized, Camilla, that you and I don't talk much anymore.

CC- Aw...well sweetie we're still friends!

AG- I know...

CC- Let's talk now okay!

I nod.

CC- What do you wanna talk about?

AG- Hmmm....summer plans?

CC- Sure! Guess what? I was on twitter and Alex Moore posted something about a party at her house.

AG- When?

CC- Friday night. Anyone's invited.

AG- Let me see.

Camilla showed me the tweet.

@IamAlexMoore- To all my 8th grade buddies. Party at my house Friday night at 8. Hope to see you there!

AG- No way I'm going!

CC- WHat! Why?

AG- Gabe doesn't wanna see her face. I am 99.9% sure Maddie and Cassidy are gonna be there and Cole and Dalton wouldn't wanna go. Plus I have tons of studio work this weekend and so do the boys. 

CC-It's ONE party.

AG- You can convince e, I love parties!

CC- yay!

AG- Just...good luck convincing everyone else.

CC- Leave that to me Aleana.

AG- okay....


G- "Hello no!" 

Gabe screamed.

We got off the plane an hour ago and now we're all meeting at my house. Camilla just told everyone about the party.

CC- Why?

DR- none of us wanna see our exes. 

CP- Sorry girls, but I'm with Dalton and Gabe on this one.

CC- WHat about high school cred? What about reps?

W- I don't care about a high reputation.

DV- I...I do. I really wanna go to this party, but I don't wanna betray my friends.

AG- Guys I wanna go! Dinah don't you?

DJH- Yes I do!

CP- You girls don't understand.

I sat on Gabe's lap and made him face me.

AG- I know you don't wanna see Alex at all. But you can't let her ruin our summer. She was at Dalton's party yet she did nothing.

Gabe nodded and sighed.

G- I'll....I guess I'll go.

I hugged him.

AG- Thank you thank you thank you!

Camilla tugged Dalton's arm.

CC- Dallllllltonnnnnnnnnnn

DR- Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Fine I'll go!

CC- Yay!

CP....yea I'll go too.


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