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Aleana's POV

I woke up the next morning and checked the time, fifteen minutes to nine. I lazily got out of bed and checked my phone while getting my toothbrush. I noticed I head a text from someone. Who would text me at 3 in the morning though?

From: Batman

What? Are you mad at me? What for?

Wait why am I mad at Gabe again? Events from last night came back into my head...party...Alex...gang....wait! Gang! Oh yeah, Will told me.

I decided to get dressed. Maybe I should look a bit rock today, not intimidating but cute.

I got out a black crop top with a black and blue skirt. I went to my top drawer to get out a leather chain glove. I also put on a white necklace and some pearl earrings. I went heavy with the eye make up and put red lip gloss on. I also decided on my black wig which was wavy and long hair up to my belly button. I tied my hair and got some black heeled wedges and a purse.

I went downstairs and saw Ariana watching tv, wearing an over sized Hello Kitty t-shirt and some pink Capri. Her red hair was in a ponytail like mine and she had glasses on she looked me over and dropped her jaw.

Ariana- someone's intimidating.

A- very funny Ari.

Ariana- Are you going somewhere?

I debated on telling her. Should I talk about the gang? If I do..she won't let me date Gabe anymore.

A- ...Yea. I'm going over to Camilla's house. I'll be home by 8:30.

Ariana- Have fun!

A- Okay..

I walked to Camilla's house since she's only 15 minutes away.

I knocked on her door.

CC- Welcome to Casa de Cabello woah!

Camilla looked at me shocked.

CC- You look cute!

A- thanks

CC- But what's with the rocker's outfit though?

A- It's kind of...hard to believe...

I told Camilla as we sat on her porch.

CC- Seriously?

I nodded.

CC- Wow...so you're gonna go confront Gabe?

A- Not just him. I feel we can confront all of them together. We'll even get Dana involved because he can be intimidating.

CC- Okay...let me go change.

When she came back she was wearing a plain light pink top, ripped leggings, hot pink vans, a leather jacket, and a pearl pendant.

CC- Let's go.

We then went to the coffee shop. I called Dinah and Dana, told them what happened and told them to meet us. Dinah was already there and Dana walked in the same time we did. Dana was wearing a grey hoodie that said 'Truth' on it, black jeans, white and black high tops, and a Lakers snapback. Dinah was wearing a top that said 'Boss' on it, a leather jacket, leggings and black stiletto heel ankle boots.

DJH- To be honest we all look on point right now.

CC- Selfie?

We all took a picture.

I got a text so I checked my phone.

From Batman: Are you mad batgirl?? Wanna meet up?

I told the girls and Dana.

To Batman: I feel a bit down....

Camilla told me to act innocent so he doesn't get suspicious.

From Batman: We can meet now if you want babes.

To Batman: Let's do a whole group meeting. We'll meet at the hill near the skateboard park. You bring Dalton and Cole there. I've already got the girls so I'll get Dana and Will too.

From Batman: We'll be there soon.

A- Okay guys. He doesn't know we know. We need to go get Will though.

Dana nodded.

DV- should we bring Normani?

DJH- WHy not? I'll text her and tell her to be ready.

A- I got Will.

I got my phone out and called Will as we started walking to Normani's house.

(phone convo- W=Will C=Camilla)

W- hello?

C- be ready in 15.

W- why...?

C- The girls, you, Dana and I are gonna go meet Gabe, Cole and Dalton for an explanation.

W- there gonna kill me if they know I told you.

C- Not if I can help it, they won't be killing anyone anytime soon. Wear something intimidating.

W- WHat?

C- What do you usually wear in your gang sessions?

W- Black I guess.

C- Perfect. We just reached Normani's so we'll be at yours in like 10.

W- See ya.


We knocked on the door and Normani opened it.

NKH- Why does everyone look so intimidating?

CC- Cole, Gabe, Dalton, and Will are in a gang.


DJH- Dress intimidating.

NKH- I'll be back

Normani came back wearing a grey dress that was short sleeved and reached her knees and it said 'WTF?' on it. She had on a black leather jacket and grey stiletto heels.

NKH- let's go.

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