Chapter 8: A Bad Day In Mariner Bay.

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Mariner Bay, 2000.
(3rd Person POV)
An odd occurrence to say the least, a day where there wasn't an attack on the city, it was a strangely peaceful day and the rangers were taking advantage of the situation. The group had gone down to the beach for some much needed rest and relaxation, the past few weeks being filled with more demon attacks then usual and with the sudden stop of less than average demons the rangers guards were high as they relaxed.

Carter decided he would explore a part of the beach the was more or less abandoned, construction vehicles and blockades nearby it was obvious that the continued attacks to Mariner Bay were having long lasting side effects and ones that Carter didn't like, looking around Carter began to wonder just how many sites just like this there were through out the city and just how bad it would get before they had finally won.

As the day went on Carter remained at the same area of the beach, wanting time to think things over, but the quiet was ruined with the sound of an explosion from nearby, Carter jumped up and turned around facing something he thought unbelievable, a multicoloured portal had opened above the city before closing suddenly but that wasn't the sauce of the explosion as Carter scanned around he spotted smoke emanating from a high rise and began to run towards the scene on impulse.
Downtown Mariner Bay.
Carter ran down the street until he came upon the high rise that was currently burning, not knowing where the other Rangers were Carter took out his morpher and raised it,
"Lightspeed Rescue" he shouted as red light engulfed him, dissipating just as soon as it came Carter was now morphed and so ran further towards the building

Down the street the rest of the Rangers ran up towards the building as well having morphed at the beach, they hadn't been able to get a hold of Carter but gathered that he would already be at the scene, pushing forwards they made it to the building Carter was standing in front not moving but just starring up at the building,
"Carter?" Ryan Asks tapping Carters shoulder
"yeah" Carter responds
"what's wrong?" Ryan asks
"This fire isn't wasn't made by any means known to humans" Carter answers
"What do you mean?" Chad questions
"Those burn marks up near the roof" Carter says pointing to the roof where two burn marks can be seen "And this building is abandoned by what the sign back there says" Carter continues gesturing behind
"but why burn an abandoned building?" Kelsey asks
"to get our attention" Carter responds
"get our attention?" Dana questions " what for?" she asks
"who knows but I bet the answers inside" Carter says moving forwards to the main doors the rest following behind him

walking up the floors of the building the Rangers enter an entertainment room on the 10th floor where a similar portal from before is on stage at the other end of the room but this one is different, their is a view through the portal and it looks like earth, but how can that be possible.

Carter is the first to enter the room with the Rangers slowly following behind, Carter has an even expression as he takes off his helmet,
"That's Mariner Bay" Carter says
"impossible" Ryan remarks
"Demons aren't possible but we fight them" Carter says back
"That Mariner Bay looks different" Dana says
"looks like its the city from a couple of years ago" Chad says
"why does this seem so familiar" Carter mutters
"Carter whats wrong?" Kelsey asks
"I remember, we need to go through that" Carter says
"through that?" Joel questions
"yes, it's hard to explain but I remember something from when I was younger, just lets go" Carter explains before running towards the portal
"should we follow?" Chad asks
"I don't know about you guys, but I am" Ryan says running after Carter
"if my brothers going then so am I" Dana says following as well and feeling out numbered Chad, Kelsey and Joel follow as well and as they jump through the portal closes behind them and the building begins to fall to the ground
Past Mariner Bay.
The Rangers emerge from the portal onto an empty and open street, the destroyed ruins of many buildings surrounded them, the smell of death present to them,
"where are we?" Chad asks
"Mariner Bay, 1989" Carter answers
"how do you know that?" Ryan asks
"I know because, I saw the city burn" Carter answers
"you saw?" Joel questions
"how?" Dana asks
"I was out of town and caught the bus back, but when we entered the city the bus swerved off the road and into a high rise, the bus was empty when I woke up and the same portal that we came through was in front of me, I saw the city in ruins through the portal, I looked out the window and saw for my own eyes that Mariner Bay was burning" Carter explains
"but how?" Kelsey asks
"Carter, we just came from the future, and it was fine" Joel say
"that's the strange part, I remember two different events from that day, I remember the city burning and I remember a calm and clear day as I got off the bus at the beach" Carter answers
"that would be time catching up to the future" a voice says startling the Rangers as they turn around to face a small group of people
"time catching up to the future?" Chad asks
"time has been altered so drastically that everything we knew of the future from this point is an unknown, Ransik has completely ripped apart reality" a teen with green hair answers
"come on we'll explain as we walk" a man next to him says as we begin to follow them

The Lightspeed Rangers followed them through the city, the man explaining to them that they were the Time Force Rangers and came from a mission in 2001 told them their names and they explained the purpose of their mission and how Ransik came to 1989, until they reached the beach where upon arrival they saw the body of a boy, roughly teenage laying unmoving on the ground,
"That's me" Carter says shocked
"Carter, that teenagers dead" Trip says feeling for a pulse
"if he's dead, then how am I here?" Carter asks
" Paradox, we all are at this point, Terra Venture has been destroyed, Millennium City and Silver Hills has been destroyed, The Command Centre and Angel Grove have been wiped out  and now Mariner Bay is in ruins, Ransik and his Cyclobots won't stop until they control the world, he's wiping us all from history" Trip explains
"how much more destruction can he cause?" Jason asks
"as much as he wants" Jen answers
"but won't him altering time cause it's own paradox?" Billy questions
"A paradox within a paradox" Trip says
"Ransik is changing history, but by doing so we all don't exist but if that's the case then he shouldn't exist either right?" Billy explains
"unless, he has a paradox machine of his own" Trip concludes
"That would be the most possible conclusion" Billy says
"anyway boys, as to why we are here, the piece of the backwards time plate crash landed here" Eric says cutting the science talk short
"yes, and here is where the signal is coming from, thanks again for the help with the tracker Billy" Trip says
"no problem" Billy answer
"now lets get down to finding it" Jason says
"you guys gonna help?" Leo asks
"of cause we are, for the sake of the world" Carter answers
"for the sake of the world" everyone cheers and gets down to digging through the sand to find the piece to the time plate, but all of them could feel that something terrible was come, something that would change them.


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