Chapter 10: As Our Future Crumbles

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Command Centre, Angel Grove.
(Trip's POV)
We had began the final stage of the reconstruction of the Backwards Time Plate, and with it the Time Ships fully functional Temporal Plate, with both Forwards and Backwards plates working in unison, moving counter clockwise from each other, we would be able to travel back through time to the Prehistoric age and finally be able to put an end this hostile takeover of the earth.

We had limited time to pull this off, as with every minute that passed, more and more of the world was being taken over by Ransik and his army of Cyclobots, I only wish we knew the vast extant of the damage that has been done.
Ransik's Time Pod, Central Angel Grove.
(3rd Person POV)
Ransik watched through monitor screens as armies of Cyclobots levelled cities across the West coast and took over others, enslaving the population, killing people who dared to disobey, a bright flash of light brought Ransik out of his observations, turning around the light dissipated revealing Nadira as she gracefully moved towards Ransik,
"did you have fun my dear?" Ransik ask
"of cause daddy, I layed waste to Silver Hills and Terra Venture" Nadira smirks
"brilliant my dear and you've returned just in time, we have corrupted the timelines the future is now ours to reform" Ransik smirks with evil intent
"what about the Time Force Rangers?" Nadira asks
"they haven't been seen since we knocked their little ship off cause" Ransik answers
"so we have the whole world to ourselves now?" Nadira asks
"only one more obstacle sits in our way, the base of operations of Zordon, once he is destroyed and the Zeo Crystal is in our grasp we will be the ultimate rulers of this world and our ultimate goal will come within reach" Ransik announces
"what if the Rangers did survive, we have a way to kill them right daddy?" Nadira questions
"of cause my dear daughter, and for the first time the Rangers won't know what hit them" Ransik answers pressing some buttons on a control panel as the screen comes to life above him with static on it.

The screen shows static for a few seconds before Frax appears on screen amongst machine parts, wires and what looks like tubes filled with a blue liquid,
"Frax, what is the statues of the weapon?" Ransik questions
"all is doing according to plan master Ransik, it will be ready when you need it" Frax answers
"and the device?" Ransik questions
"both will be ready in time master Ransik, not to worry" Frax answers
"excellent, we will be the ultimate rulers of everything" Ransik smirks evilly his plan was coming together perfectly and nothing could stop him.
Command Centre.
(Trip's POV)
The reconstruction was going well and with the help of everyone it was going faster then I first thought but the feeling something bad was coming continued to eat at me,
System Check Enabled
Engines - Green
Power - Green
Morphing Grid Access - Moderate
Temporal Engines - Disabled
Access To Time Force Servers - Disabled
Navigation - Disabled
Local Navigation - Moderate 
Life Support - Green
Warning! Launching Without Proper Navigation Is Not Advised.

The computer read off as I enabled the system check,
"so most of the ship isn't working properly" Lucas says
"as long as Local Navigation holds and we fix the Temporal Plate it should be fine" I answer
"you sure this ship will fit us all?" Eric asks
"it'll be a tight fit" I say "guys... I feel like something bad is coming" I say looking at them
"did you see something through your gem?" Wes asks grabbing my shoulder with a worried look on his face
"no, but I can't shake this feeling" I say
"Well, we need to hurry then" Jen says walking over to a panel on the back wall and I slide the last piece we found into place before walking over to the navigation panel of the ship to try and repair the system.
Central Angel Grove.
(3rd Person POV)
The tides of change had come and Ransik's forces assembled outside his pod, Ransik standing above them on a make shift stage made out of the remains of a truck and a building,
"today we change the cause of history, today we make Time Force disappear and become the rulers of the earth, today is the day mutants take the earth" Ransik shouts across the crowds of Cyclobots as they cheer for their leader
"move out and head to the home of Zordon, take what we want and destroy the place, leave nothing behind" Ransik says as the Cyclobots begin to march in the direction of the Command Centre

The tides of change had come and Ransik's forces marched towards the Rangers, all of them set with one goal, find the Zeo Crystal and destroy Zordon and the Command Centre.
Command Centre.
(Jason's POV)
As the Time Force guys repaired their ship so we could travel to Turtle Cove the alarms began to blare bringing everyone to attention,
"Rangers we have a situation" Zordon announces
"what is it Zordon" I ask
"Ransik's forces are converging on us, we don't have much time before they arrive" Zordon explains
"Trip, you guys better hurry then" I say before they run to their ship to finish the repairs they could finish
"anything we should do?" Carter asks
"nothing at the moment but be prepared, they have already whipped out most of Angel Grove and many surrounding cities, I am the last connection to the Morphing Grid" Zordon explains
"They're after the Morphing Grid?" Billy asks
"I am not sure, but they are after something from within the Command Centre and may destroy the main links to the Morphing Grid, this would be dangerous as with out having other connects around the world the connection would be completely severed and your morphers would no longer function" Zordon explains
"you would be defenceless against them" Alpha says
"is there anything we can do Zordon?" Kimberley asks
"The only thing you can do is follow the Time Force Rangers, they know what they are doing, together you are earths last and only hope" Zordon says
Navigation Enabled
Local Navigation Enabled

The ships computer announcement echoed around the Command Centre,
"guys, we're ready" Trip shouts to us
"Zordon, we're ready when you are" Jen says
"I will wait until you're all on board before I teleport you all outside" Zordon says and we all make our way onto the ship.

Boarding the ship we saw just how amazing future technology was but we couldn't marvel at it for long as the sound of the door closing behind us snapped everyone to attention,
"Ok Zordon, we are all aboard" Lucas says before multicoloured light engulfs the ship and a few seconds later it dissipates revealing the storming sky's and the view of Angel Grove in the distance, smoke bellowing from it,
"everyone, prepare for take off" Lucas announces
"coordinates set" Trip says
"All systems ready for take off" Lucas says
"Activating Thrusters" Trip says
"Launching in 20 seconds" Lucas says as we feel the engines fire up and the ship begin to rise of the ground
"Firing thrusters in 10 seconds" Trip says and not long after that there is a jolt as the ship moves forwards, leaving the command centre behind as we head towards Turtle Cove and the final piece the ship needs

As we fly through the sky and over Angel Grove we can see the full amount of damage done but there is nothing we could do right now, all that we could do is continue with our current plan.


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