Chapter 12: The Death Of Zordon.

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The Command Centre, Angel Grove.
(3rd Person POV)
As Frax worked to gain access to the Zeo Chamber, Ransik and Nadira began to work on finding Zordon and a way to kill him. The duo moved through the lower chamber of the command centre, blasting open doors and forcefully entering rooms to find a way up to Zordon. Moving through the command centre they found themselves in a large room, similar to the main control room but majorly different at the same time. Ransik looked up and saw the beams In the roof converge in the centre before turning towards some Cyclobots,
"Fire up at the roof of this room" Ransik orders and the Cyclobots aim their weapons up and fire at the roof, the roof begins to crumble away as the rate of fire increases and increases until it looks like one big beam of energy.  

The floor to the Zordon's main chamber explodes open as debris came raining down all over the room, a rubble ramp was formed from the explosion, Alpha 5 hits a wall to one side of the room before powering down as Ransik and Nadira made their way up the ramp until they were face to face with Zordon himself,
"we finally meet at last Zordon" Ransik remarks
"indeed we do" Zordon says
"where are the Rangers?" Ransik demands
"long gone, you will not get away with this" Zordon says
"oh but I will, you see the world is already mine" Ransik states
"you only control a portion of the country, you do not yet control the world" Zordon counters
"that is where you are wrong Zordon, I do control the world, the moment you are destroyed the rest of the world will feel a great change" Ransik remarks
"you wouldn't dare use such a method" Zordon states
"indeed I would, overloading your energy matrix, added with the removal of the Zeo Crystal will cause an explosion of energy that will change the instant it hits the air" Ransik says
"overloading my energy matrix to convert the good energy to pure evil energy, I'd never think anyone would sink so low" Zordon states
"Nadira my dear" Ransik says
"of cause daddy" Nadira says walking over to a control panel as Frax walks up the rubble ramp
"master Ransik, the Zeo Crystal is ours" Frax states showing the Crystal to Ransik and Nadira who marvel at their prize.

An Alarm starts to blare as Nadira presses random buttons on the control panels before turning to Frax in a huff,
"Frax overload Zordon's energy Matrix" Nadira orders
"of cause" Frax says handing the Zeo Crystal to the waiting hands of Ransik before walking over to the control panel and pressing a few buttons
Warning! Overload Detected.
System Malfunction Detected.

The system computers announce to the Command Centre as Frax finds the buttons for the teleport device,
"I have found the teleport master Ransik" Frax states
"get us out of here, we have a world to rule" Ransik orders 
"right a way master Ransik" Frax obeys as he presses another button before multicoloured surrounds them and they are teleported away and back to their Time Pod
"oh no, what has happened?" Alpha questions as he powers back on and makes his way to Zordon whose energy tube begins to spark and what looks like electrical bolts cascade up and down the tube
"Ransik has taken the Zeo Crystal and has overloaded the Power Matrix" Zordon explains
"that would mean only one thing" Alpha concludes
"indeed Alpha, the end has come, it is now up to the Rangers to correct what has been done, my only fear is that they can no longer morph" Zordon explains
"the explosion radius will take out Angel Grove" Alpha says looking at the monitors
"no the explosion won't but the cascade of evil energy will, the future at this moment will cease to exist" Zordon explains as small explosions occur across the Command Centre.

The explosions continued and gain more and more power as Zordon's energy tube began to crack and the floor began to give way, more alarms sounding as the events transpired but there was nothing Zordon or Alpha could do,
"Zordon, your energy tube with explode any minute now" Alpha exclaims
"Alpha it has been good working with you" Zordon says ignoring the statement Alpha said
"Zordon, it has been good to work with you as well" Alpha says
"goodbye old friend" Zordon says as more cracks appear
"goodbye Zordon" Alpha manages to say before the energy tube explodes releasing newly converted good energy outwards, the now evil energy taking over everything in its path. Alpha 5 is enveloped by the energy which overloads his systems, short-circuiting him and shutting him down once more but this time for good as the energy tears apart the building leaving nothing behind as it flows out and across the landscape.

The energy travels across the state, hitting every city and killing people with massive amounts of good energy. The energy hits Silver Hills, Mariner Bay and Ocean Bluff before spread out further and further cascading over Turtle Cove before spreading out over Los Angeles and heading out across the Pacific ocean. Every corner the world is hit before the energy builds up and a shockwave of energy spreads out in a ring into the depths of space.
Central Angel Grove.
Ransik, Nadira and Frax appeared back at the site of their Time Pod, on the roof of the tallest building in Angel Grove along with the company of Cyclobots that came with them, the wave of evil energy was sudden and didn't change much but could still be seen and felt as it passed by. As they watched the wave of energy pass into the distance and do its job, Ransik made his was to the Time Pod which sat in the centre of the helipad of the building and placed the Zeo Crystal inside the pod,
"we are ready to begin as soon as the work force has finished" Ransik says
"and the world will be ours" Nadira grins evilly as an alarm sounds from the Time Pod
"it would appear as though the Rangers are alive" Frax states
"where are they?" Ransik demands
"they are heading for the town of Turtle Cove, it appears as though their time travel abilities have been crippled when we blew their ship out of the sky" Frax explains
"what are they doing there?" Ransik questions
"it appears as though they are looking for pieces to the Time Plate in their Time Ship, the explosion we caused must have launched pieces across the area" Frax explains
"then we must reach them and stop them before they can counter us" Ransik says
"what are your orders master Ransik?" Frax asks
"reach Turtle Cove and kill the Rangers" Ransik orders
"right a way master Ransik" Frax says as he makes his way to his Cyclobots to give the command to head to Turtle Cove. Ransik's plan was coming into place and all that stood in his way were the Rangers.


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