Just for now

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Normal POV

He saw her there by the shore, her hair dripping wet her eyes red rimed with tears she could hardly speak. Shivering violently she tried to speak but her voice failed her.

Unsure of what to do he tried to recall how it came to this

It was a bright morning, the type of day he absolutely hated after all he was Marshall Lee the vampire king bright and sunny just wasn't his thing. Still despite the fact that the sun could kill him he had an urge to go out maybe visit the beach and just chill. Debating over it for a few more minuets as he floated around he finally decided to give in to those urges after all YOLO right?

Grabbing his red hoodie and gloves he left the house making sure to drain the red out of a cherry on the way out.

He floated over to the beach instantly regretting his decision the summer heat was enough to fry him alone needless to mention the sun he was just about to turn around and head home when suddenly the sky darkened. It was an instant change one moment it was sunny the second it wasn't the sea turned from a charming baby blue to a threatening purple. cool he thought to himself then he noticed that it was swinging sth around like a rag doll finally it flew onto the shore, he approached it. It was a girl.

And he was back to where he was before looking at the soaking wet girl she whimpered silently and he noticed to bite marks on her throat. He realized she was a vamp. Well either that or some insane twilight fan. Yep that was a possibility. He marveled at how he could maintain his awesome sense or humor even in these situations when as quick as the darkness came it left making him wonder if it was ever there in the first place

He was forced out of his thoughts by the girls cry of pain. She was blistering under the sun. Yep he thought. Vampire. He rushed towards her and without thinking unzipped his hoodie and threw it on her sheltering her from the sun he picked her up, threw her across his shoulder and flew away at full speed back to his house. Normally Marshall lee wouldn't go to such lengths for people but hey he was the girls king she was his subject. He had to do sth. He thought trying to distract himself from the pain as the sun shone down on him.

The girls cries had reduced to whimpers when he finally reached his house not bothering to find the key he kicked the door down and laid her on the couch before dropping to the ground exhausted. Without the adrenaline the sun burns were now on full effect he groaned as he felt his skin slowly healing the whole process accompanied with the sizzle of flesh his flesh. Finally unable to stand the pain he blacked out.

Marceline's POV

Marceline wasn't sure of what had happened. One moment she was fighting off the ice king the next she was in the waves and now she sat on the couch in some guys house. She watched the boy as he slept on the ground in front of her. His skin had turned back to a pale green after his burns had healed some time back. he was cute she decided .Finally calm she looked around. The place she was in was similar to her own house. she floated up and explored the house, smiling at the axe bass she saw. She liked this guys style already. Hearing groaning she shot back to the couch and sat down watching as the boy in front of her awoke.

Marshall's POV

I opened my eyes tiredly to see a pair of electric black eyes staring back. Surprised I shot back hitting my head on the table behind me. I heard her stifle a laugh and felt my cheeks redden. I sprang back up and saw her. Her hair still semi wet as she sat there her eyes never leaving me. I noticed that's my hoodie was still comfortably surrounding her and I remembered the past events. I muttered a slight oh before standing up and introducing myself

"Hey there my names Marshall. Marshall lee the vampire king and I'm ur savior"

I grinned slyly

She offered me a smirk and when she spoke her voice was mesmerizing

"Woah woah hold on we'll talk about the royalty thing later but for now my savior? Cocky little boy aren't u?"

"Sassy little victim aren't u?"

She offered me a smile and a shrug before sneezing.

"Go take a bath first ur gonna catch a cold bathrooms ove-"

"I know where it is" she interrupted and floated off

Yep I thought this girl had sass. I sighed and walked to my closet looking for sth she could wear. Finally I found a pokeman shirt that I had outgrown and a pair of pajama pants that seemed as if would fit her I walked to the bathroom and knocked telling her that I'd leave the clothes outside.

With that done I attempted to put the door back up sighing when it collapsed and followed its lead collapsing on the couch. Thoughts racing through my mind.


She emerged from the bathroom and sat next to me silently. I took note of her beauty, long black hair that fell past her waist pale gray complexion and wow those curves then there were those eyes those beautifully black eyes that I knew would go blood red if her mood turned unpleasant.

"Done looking?"

I blushed a little but replied anyways "for now"

This caused her to go a little pink. I chuckled

"So lets start with ur name since u already know mine"

"What's it to u?" She huffed

"We'll I just thought u'd want to be called something other then victim but I guess I'm fine with it if you are"

She sighed "marceline. The vampire queen"

I raised an eyebrow "ur already deeming urself as my wife?"

She growled at me and told me to shut up but soon told me her story with a sigh. She told me of a land called Ooo where she was a vampire queen and about a princess made of bubble gum, a human boy and his stretchy dog. Immediately I thought of gumball , fionna and cake. I was about to accuse her of being delusional when I realized that she was holding back tears. She was afraid. Not knowing what to do I hugged her. I was never good with crying girls or crying anything really. She Buried her head in my chest for a second before pushing me away and Continuing her story she talked about an ice king and about how she had gotten here. When she was done night had already fallen.

"So let me get this straight, ur from this place called Ooo and in Ooo there's a princess made of bubble gum, a human boy and a rubber doggy, there's a pedo called the ice king and he tried to abduct u, the vampire queen, and while u were fighting he hit u with his wand and u fell into the ocean."

She looked like she was thinking for a while before answering "yep that's about it! Now ur turn, where am I?"

I wondered how she could have been the scared little girl I had found but complied

"Well long story short ur in a land called Aaa there's a prince made out of bubble gum called gumball and a female human adventurer called fionna who has a stretchy cat called cake and I'm the vampire king! MARSHALL LEE THE AWESOME. Oh. And we have an ice queen too she's a cougar who kidnaps the princes of the land"

She eyed be suspiciously. I batted my eyelashes for her.we both burst out laughing.

"Well u can crash with me for a while but for now we're gonna see someone who could probably help."

"Bubble-balls?" She asked innocently

I burst out laughing I liked her already

"Yeah prince bubble-balls"

With that we headed to the candy kingdom

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