Just for now

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Marshall'a POV

We flew to bubble-balls castle and I watched as marceline pretended to be an important messenger from the nightospear as she was escorted in I followed behind her invisible and snickering all the way

It was fun to watch as prince pinky almost ran into the room but the moment he kissed her hand it didn't seem all that funny anymore, who knows why

"Miss marceline, I understand u have a message for me" he said his voice squeaking  from panic

"Yup hey marshy come out!" She hollered

I undid my invisibility and laughed "thanks for the entertainment bubble-balls"

He stiffened at my new nick name, I had to thank Marcy for that

"Marshy?" I asked

"Oh can I call u marshy? Tell u what I'm gonna call u marshy"

"That works then Marcy. Can I call u Marcy? Tell u what I'm gonna call u Marcy"

I snickered imitating her

Gumball coughed feeling awkward

"So what is it now Marshall?" He asked regaining his composure

"U might want to take a seat" I sighed and sat down ready to doze off "go Marcy he's all yours"

With that I fell asleep

Marceline's POV

I watched as Marshall fell asleep and tiredly turned my attention to the pink prince, he did remind me of Bonnie.

"So what seems to be the probably marceline?" He asked politely

"As marshy said, sit down pinky, it's a long story"

He flinched but complied sighing I retold my painstakingly long story after what seemed like forever I was done.

"And that's how I got here" I ended off lamely

He looked as if he was deep in thought but after a few seconds his face lit up

"A PARALLEL UNIVERSE! Yes! That's it! That's the only explanation! I must research this immediately!"

I half heartily listed to him while taking a seat on the bench next to Marshall. I felt kinda bad for dosing off while pinky was talking... But I'll live with it


Fionna's POV

"Bye sweetie I'm gonna go hang with LoMo my man"cake announced practically purring

"Mathematical" I laughed and went on my quest to look for Marshall. Stopping by his house I realized he wasn't home. And the only other place he'd be this early in the morning would be here! I thought feeling smart I was about to shout for him when prince gumball crashed into me dropping all his papers in the process

"Hey" I started

"Hey Fionna sorry id love to hang but I have sth to do now OMG parallel universe! Yeah ok I have to go now do have a nice stay bye!" He said as he finished gathering his papers and turned to dash off

"Wait where's Marshall?!" I called after him

" in the royal reception room!" I heard him call back as he fell out of sight

Alright then I thought to myself making my way to the said location. I felt my cheeks go red from the thought of seeing Marshall. Yea he was my best bud but maybe just maybe id begun to see him as something more. I mean he was cool he was funny he was cute. I blushed finally pushing the door open.

I smiled with excitement


Opening the door I saw Marshall asleep. Leaning on his shoulder next to him was a girl. A beautiful girl. I felt my heart fall. Then he started to wake up.

Marshall's POV

I heard the door slam shut as i woke up

I smiled seeing fionna there I was about to great her when I felt sth rub against my arm looking down I saw Marceline she was asleep and nuzzling her head into my arm. I blushed unable to face the cuteness. Turning back to fionna I waved. Was it me or was fionna wearing a weird face today? Then she spoke

"Who's she?!" She half yelled at me and covered her mouth immediately after

I felt marceline startle beside me as she looked up

Marceline's POV

I was awoken by a loud yell looking up I saw a human, she was dressed in a blue top and a navy blue skirt she wore a bunny hat that covered her whole head except for her face

"Finn?" I asked still half asleep

She shot me a puzzled look and I heard Marshall chuckle beside me

"Naw not Finn this ones female"

My mind still clouded with sleep I responded

"So Fionna?"

"Yup!" He said as he pushed me off the chair

I fell with a thump

"OI What was that for marshy?"

"Well ur awake now" he laughed

"That was seriously fluffed up man"

"Haha I'm sorry Marcy" he gave her the puppy dog eyes

Fionna's POV

She watched as they bickered she calls him Marshy she thought to herself it felt like her heart had been stabbed

Normal POV

After the bickering stopped Marshall suggested they introduce themselves properly

"Hey.. I'm fionna." She looked 'Marcy' in the eyes she wasn't gonna give up that easily! "The best most mathematical adventuress in the land of Aaa!"

Marceline smiles at her "I know someone who's a lot like u. Anyways I'm marceline, the vampire queen I play the bass and I'm in a band"

Fionna didn't let the word vampire queen go unnoticed.

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