Chapter Two

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There was nothing on the first page, or the second or third. Or on any page for that matter. Upset, I sighed to myself and set the diary next to me. I sat on the couch for a moment, and then went upstairs and got one of the fountain pens out of the desk.

I returned to the diary on the couch. I scanned through the pages one more time to make sure that they were all empty. They were. I settled on the first page and wrote,

August 18, 2011

    Today my parents took me for a walk around the pond. I saw two turtles; they made me smile. 

I closed the diary and returned it to it's hiding spot in the desk. My parents were always bugging me about writing down my feelings. I suppose I let them win. With nothing left to do, I plopped down on my bed and fell asleep. 


The next few days past by slowly. My family was still unpacking their stuff and we still walked around the pond every day.

I don't know why I think it's so strange, but everytime I walk by myself, I always see the turtles. One more had joined them, so now there was three. I find them interesting, even though I've never been interested in something as lame as three turtles.

School was going to start soon and I was dreading it. Summer may be boring, but it's better than to be surrounded by loads of stupid, immature kids. Mom went out and bought school supplies and new clothes. Yippee.

I hate new clothes.

The day before school started up, my parents took us out to eat. I don't remember what the place was called though. They kept trying to make conversation with me, but I ignored them. I played with my chicken tenders and made a tiny sculpture out of them. Micah knocked it down though. My dad asked about my schedule. I shrugged and looked down at the shreds of chicken tender in front of me.

 Schedules hadn't been sent out yet. What school waits until the last day of summer to send the schedules? I guess mine does.

 As my family and I got up to leave, another family came in. There was a boy taht looked about my age and his parents. I thought about what it would be like to be an only child, then shuddered. 

The boy waved at me, and I ignored him. My parents stopped to talk to his, apparently my dad works with his dad. I examined the boy, unlike me he has soft brown curly hair. He wore a hoodie and jeans dispite the fact that it was like 95 degrees outside.

I got tired of waiting and took my brothers to the car. We had to wait for a couple of minutes and then my parents finally came to the car smiling. When they got in, they announced that we were having dinner with the "Brown" family on Friday night. Why do they have to try to be nice?

We pulled into our driveway, and my family headed off towards the pond. I, on the other hand, went to the mailbox to see if my schedule had come or not. We had a pile of mail and I sorted through it, and found my schedule. I shoved the rest of the mail back into the mailbox.

I didn't open the schedule because I know that I would have basic classes, English, Science, Math and History. I decided I would look at it tomorrow and jogged to the pond to find my turtles waiting for me.

August 21, 2011

    Went the lake again today, saw the turtles there and knelt down. This time they didn't jump in the lake right away. I told them school sucks, and I could have sworn one of them nodded. I must be psycho.


[Author's Note: I have no idea where I am going with this story, just writing as I go. Is it obvious?]

 The next morning my mom woke me up early for school. Blech. I got dressed and sat at my desk. I figured I should open my schedule. 

1st- History              Mr. Randell  Rm. 115

2nd- Geometry        Mrs. Pope    Rm. 237 


3rd- English             Mr. Wilson   Rm. 217

4th- Photography    Mr. Wilson   Rm. 217

Just as I guess, the basics. Strange that an english teacher would teach photography too. 

The day went by without any incidents. The boy who I saw at the restaurant has History, English and Photography with me. I learned that his name is really Dylan, not boy. If I didn't know his name then I would be screwed cause he is my photography partner.

The rest of the week went by just as the first day did. Except for Friday. On Thursday my mom called Dylan's parents and told them Dylan could ride home on the bus with me. I don't know why but she did.

That's how I got stuck sitting on the bus with Dylan on my left side and a window on my right. I didn't say anything to him. He tried to strike up a conversation but I just nodded and looked out the window. He seems nice but I don't think he really cares about "whats up" with me.

When we arrived in front of my home, he said something about my home. I think he said it was nice. Eh. We entered my house and sitting on the coffee table were cookies. Mom never makes cookies unless she is trying to impress people. I walked right by them and up to my room.

To my surprise Dylan followed me. I didn't realize until I sat down on my bed. I looked at him confused, "What?" I asked.

"Uh...what am I supposed to do for the next two hours?" 

I shrugged. "If you want, you can start your homework over there." I said, nodding towards my desk and preparing for a nap.

He walked over to the desk and sat down.

"Or...if you'd rather do something more less homeworky you could walk around the pond outback."

He stood up again. "You coming?" I shrugged.  

We walked in silence for about an hour then came back to my house. Before I could go back to my room, my mom caught us and began to ask questions. Thus, I was stuck downstairs for another three hours. One hour for her talking and the other two for the "Brown's" visit.

The conversation mostly went like this:

Mom: Hello Dylan, how is school going so far?

Dylan: goo-

Mom: That's great! Logan has been in a much better mood since we moved here. Isn't that right honey?



Mom: Ok, well why don't you sit down and watch a movie while we wait for our company? You can watch Zoolander. That's Logan's favorite movie, isn't it?


Mom: Err.... well have fun you two.

Dylan: Alright.

We hardly got through any of the movie because the Browns came early.

The Brown's visit wasn't that bad because Levi threw up on Mr.Brown's shoes. Micah burst out laughing. My mom shot him a dirty look and he stopped. I laughed on the inside because I didn't want to get yelled at later. My mom rushed Levi to bed with an ice pack and a bucket. Then she helped Mr.Brown clean his shoes off. (Sort of)  

Dylan and I snuck away from the table during the mist of this. We went up to my room where I fell asleep and he did his home work. He woke me up around 7:30 to say goodbye.

I went out to the pond to get some air, . I saw the three turtles sitting in their regular place.

"Hey turtle-dudes." I said, " you think I should try to be nice to Dylan?"

They all nodded. Ha, like they really knew who Dylan was. Silly, silly turtles. Just to make sure they don't always nod, I asked them if they were giraffes. They shook their heads. I decided I had enough air.

August 26, 2011

     Turtles are going to be the death of me.

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