man, teenaged girls aren't allowed to have a genuine interest in anythingwithout being ridiculed for it. if a girl likes ugg boots and starbucks she's stupid and stereotypical, but if she likes combat boots and obscure coffee houses she's a hipster wannabe and is trying too hard. if a girl listens to boy bands and other popular artists she's a dumb follower, if she reads comics or plays video games she's a poser/fake geek girl, if she likes sex she's a slut but if she doesn't like sex she's a prude, if she wears makeup she's fake but if she doesn't wear makeup she's a slob, if she has low self-esteem she needs to learn to love herself but if she has high self-esteem she's overconfident and vain, if she's interested in politics she's a crazy social justice warrior but if she prefers to stay out of social matters she's a dumb airhead. girls are literally mocked for every single thing they like or do, no matter what those things are, and i'm really really sick of it.
Nu prea pun eu lucruri asa de lungi dar chiar ador chestia asta. Nu suport cand lumea te critica pentru ca esti tu cea adevarat\a. "Nu pot sa port aia pentru ca lumea m-ar judeca." " Nu pot sa spun aia pentru ca sunt fata." "Nu pot sa fac acel lucru pentru ca nu sunt ca ei sau pentru ca sunt fata."
Poti face absolut orice vrei, sa nu te gandesti la ce o sa spuna ceilalti pentru ca nu ei conteaza. Conteaza doar persoana ta. Daca tie iti place sa faci sau sa porti un lucru atunci foarte bine, fa ce vrei sau imbraca-te cu ce vrei este doar alegerea ta.
All the love
(capitol super lung lol)