The Return

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EDITED: 6/10/2023

17 - The Return

A quiet house was something Chi-Chi would never fully be at ease with. For the last several decades, her house had stayed loud - even at night! Between the snores of her husband and youngest son, and the fans blowing across the rooms, there was always something making noise.

Chi-Chi lay in bed and sighed as she stared up at the ceiling. It was early morning, probably a little after six. The house creaked with quietness. She closed her eyes and thought back to several years ago when mornings used to be full of so much chaos. As she cooked breakfast, Pan, and Goten would fight over everything and anything as they got ready for school. Gohan would be talking miles a minute about his classes, and Goku would be coming inside from his morning walk, his greeting just as loud as his presence was.

Back then, Chi-Chi had been such a fool for wanting one quiet morning. Now, she wished more than anything that she could go back to those chaotic mornings.

Chi-Chi was luckier than some. At least her children and their significant others would come over for a weekend out of the month and be with her. They came over frequently during the week as well, so the house never stayed quiet for long.

But it was on mornings like these that the quietness grew so loud it became unbearable. It made Chi-Chi's bones ache. She didn't blame her kids for growing up and creating families of their own. As a parent, she supported them in finding their happiness. It was just that years ago when the time came for her children to leave, she thought she would at least have Goku with her still. But the other side of the bed was cold and empty, and just another reminder that he wasn't here anymore.

Chi-Chi knew that sleep would not come to her again, so with a small grunt, she sat up and rubbed her eyes. It was just her this morning, so she took her time getting up, stretching, and doing her morning routine in the bathroom.

By the time Chi-Chi walked into the kitchen to turn on the coffee pot, the sky outside was growing lighter. The sun would be rising within the next thirty minutes, and a faint, blue glow was cast over the familiar room. Chi-Chi turned on the coffee pot ready to brew, grabbed her favorite mug, and opened the refrigerator to grab the milk. To her confusion, there was no milk in the fridge. She could have sworn there was still half of it left.

"The milk is over here," a familiar voice said. "Sorry, I haven't put it back yet."

Chi-Chi's coffee mug fell out of her hands and shattered to the floor. Her breath caught in her throat and she choked on a sob.

It's your imagination, Chi-Chi, she told herself. You're hearing him, again. You're going mental; it's just because you're lonely.

Goten and Bulla had come over the night before. Goten had probably drunk all the milk while he was eating the cookies Chi-Chi had fixed a few days prior for Ming.

Chi-Chi sucked in a breath, held it for a few seconds, and then released it shakily. Slowly, she squatted down to pick up the pieces of her mug. Now she would have to pick a new favorite mug to drink her morning coffee in.

Chi-Chi had only picked up the two biggest pieces when a hand touched her shoulder. The mug pieces fell to the floor again and Chi-Chi's chest squeezed impossibly tight. She was frozen, unable to move as she was turned around. Hands grabbed her forearms, gently rising her up.

It was worse enough that her mind played tricks on her; now her eyes were too! She knew the hands holding her. The arms were covered in familiar scars. Her legs were shaking and if it weren't for him holding her up, she would have crumbled.

"Chi, look at me, please," he whispered.

She looked up, unable to resist his request. She was sobbing, but through her tears, she could see him. It wasn't supposed to be possible. He had already beat the odds once and came back to her. To do it twice had been too much to ask.

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