Chapter 7

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"I-I joined a club..." I lied and looked down at my feet, rubbing my wrist. "A chess club." My heart was pounding. Did she buy it?
Mom took her hands off her hips and sighed.
"Don't do that to me, I was scared to death. Tell me before you join a club." Mom told me and walked away. I wiped my forehead as if sweat was dripping down but only swept skin.

Dinner was dead silent for the first time. I loved kick boxing. It was so much fun. That's all I had in my mind, how to squeeze in an extra hour so I can improve more, reviewing everything in my head.
"August, you're unusually quiet today." Dad said, eating his pasta.
"Yeah- I got a lot of homework and- uh, I'm thinking about the questions." I reply, that was a terrible lie but they seem to not think much of it.
"Just don't stress yourself out, kiddo."
I nodded and went back to the world of my thoughts. But I cant forget the look Jenna gave me, a strange look, for half a second and then went back to eating. She suspected something.

Every time I walk in the halls, I can feel eyes burn into the back of my skull. They know I'm a freak. Some people throw balled up paper at me. I hear whispers all around. Even Summer bumps past me hard on purpose, but not this time. During lunch, she pulled me to the side of the school where not too many people were.
"I'm sorry, August. I really am. I was just so confused as to why you were mad and.... well.... I'm having a hard time too." She shyly apologized and rubbed her elbow. At this point, I didn't care what she was going through. I also didn't know what to say. My head was pounding and something told me I shouldn't take too long to answer. So I trusted my gut.
"You left me. You let me fall to the ground and for people to hurt me just because I'm born this way." I told her, " I'm sorry too. I'm sorry that I cant accept your apology."

     I somewhat missed her. She did cause people to beat me up but she used to be there for me. No, she called me a freak. Only I can call myself that. But I lashed out on her for no good reason. All she said was that I wasn't telling the truth. I could see how that would affect her some how. Forget it, August. She betrayed you. And you need to move on. Go on like this and you really will get hurt.
      I held onto my backpack and walked fast, trying not to get caught. Today, mom knew I was going to be an hour and a half late for "chess club". Even I wouldn't join chess club.
      "Where ya going?" A voice asked and touched my shoulder. I turned to see who it was. Jenna. What if she tells mom? I'd be dead. You might as well just bury me.
     "Chess club." I said like it was nothing and continued walking.
     "Aren't all the school clubs supposed to be inside the school?" Dang it.
     "Not chess club, it's at the back and it's much faster to go around.... it's too crowded in the halls..."
     "Oh okay. Can I come?"
      "No! I mean, chess club isn't a very open place to be completely honest. Outsiders, newbies, guests aren't welcome."
     "Everyone's a newbie at one point though. "There's a first time for everything." And I want to join. To be closer to my new friend, ya know?"
     "Yeah. We already have too many members... sorry. There's even a waitlist."
     "Oh. Okay. That's fine. See you at home."
     After she ran the other direction, I let out a sigh of relief. That was a close one. And I cant believe how good of a liar I've become. It just kind of spills out of me now.

    "Hey, August!" Jenna called after me before I could enter my room. "Summer told me to give you this note." She jogged towards me and handed it.
     "Thanks." I took it and went into my room. The note was in a sealed envelope and it said my name in huge, beautifully written cursive letters. I opened it carefully, trying not to rip it into pieces. Should I even read it? What if it's just a hate letter? Whatever. I get teased everyday. What are you afraid of? I opened up the note and read it.
Dear August,
I'm sorry for everything. And I don't deserve your forgiveness. But I just wish you'd keep one thing in mind. Sometimes, I act weird in front of people I like and well, that's what I did. I like you August. Not just as friends. More than that. And I'm so sorry I've ruined our friendship this way. I wish for the best for you.
Miss you so much.

Omgggg. August & Summer? Gee that's hard to take in haha. Hey guys! I'm back after a whole year!! And I cant believe I still get a ton of notifications from you guys to this day!! That's incredible. And by the way, without you guys, I wouldn't be where I am. I wouldn't be writing. Your encouragements take me farther than you think. Lots of love💙

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