Problems at home

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"You've got to be kidding me!" Santana thought to herself. She'd stayed in her car and waited to see if Miss Pierce was coming her direction. She was.

Santana begged that she was just walking through her street but when she went up to the house that used to be for sale, she groaned lowly. Her new teacher lived only a few houses from her her own. This couldn't be true, but it was.

Santana went inside her house, the door was unlocked.

"Mom! I'm home!" she shouted when she closed the door. No answer. She walked further inside the house and the smell of alcohol hit her when she stepped into the living room.

Santana grimaced at the smell and held a hand up to cover her nose and mouth. She walked inside the room and saw empty bottles and cans spread across the floor and the table. Her mom was lying passed out on the couch and Santana sighed deeply. As usual she started with picking up all the bottles and cans and throwing them in the trash. After that she tried waking her mom up; which was basically impossible.

Everything would be so much easier if she could just wake up and walk to bed herself. Maybe even take a shower if Santana was lucky.

Santana shook her mom slightly. "Mom? Can you wake up? We have to get you to bed." She said lowly. Her mom stirred a little but not much else.

After a few tries Santana managed to get her to bed. She took a quick shower and made herself some dinner. She put some food in the fridge if her mom woke up in the middle of the night, hungry. After that she read some before going to bed, waiting for tomorrow.


The morning went fast and soon it was lunch. Santana still hadn't seen Miss Pierce any today but she had math next, and for what seemed for the first time in her life, she was not bored to death for a class.

Her, Quinn and the other cheerios ate together as usual and parted after lunch. Quinn wasn't in any of her class' today and Santana felt kind of happy about it. She didn't have the energy to mess with anyone today and if she didn't while Quinn was around, she'd never hear the end of it.

"Okay class, look. I don't like giving tests..." Brittany said in front of the class. A lot of happy mumbling was heard but Santana didn't talk to anyone, she was too focused on the blonde teacher at the front of the class. "...But we still need to have them. Not my decision, the big guys in charge of the schools did." A loud groan was heard from the entire class at once. "I know, I know. I didn't like having tests either, I never understood anything and everything was a blur. Tests and homework made me feel dumb. Now, i don't want anyone of you to feel dumb like I did, so you'll have no homework..." Another happy mumbling was heard. "...Unless you're behind in class, so you better work while you're here. I'll help you however I can but I can't do everything. When it comes to the tests, we must have some. I, however, decide how, when and how many. I never understood why we must have them, it's not about learning today anymore, well it is but it's about learning as much as you can for a very short period of time, to get a good score. I bet you don't remember half of what you learned two years ago. So, ww'll do this my way. You'll work, i'll walk around and talk to you, have conversations about what we're learning and if you can keep up a conversation about it, have your own questions and so, you know what we're working with. Sound good? Okay, now get to work!"

Santana was intrigued now. No other teacher at the school though like this. It wasn't bad, Miss Pierce didn't want to completely skip testing their knowledge, she just wanted it to stick for a longer time. She was how teachers should be, and she was extremely beautiful.

Class went on smoothly. Santana sat in the back and didn't do much of math. However she did get a few good angles of Miss Pierce's ass when she bent to help a student. God bless for those long legs of hers.

I can teach you - Brittana StudentxTeacher (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now