School day

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Brittany woke up when she felt soft breathing on her neck. She looked down and saw the sleeping Latina cuddled close to her, and smiled softly. She knew sleeping in the same bed with her last night was a bad idea. Cuddling with her was an even worse idea, but Brittany couldn't say no. She knew that the day had been hard on her but she still shouldn't have let Santana sleep with her.

Santana shifted a little on top Brittany and now had her lips softly brushing against the pale skin of Brittany's neck. Brittany was about to move when she heard a very light moan coming from Santana's mouth. The air it cause trickled over Brittany's neck and sent chills down her spine.

Santana held Brittany tighter in her sleep and Brittany couldn't help herself when she did the same.

Brittany looked over at her bedside table and looked at the time.

9:30 am

She hadn't slept this long in a good while and it was a good feeling.

Brittany slipped from under Santana and laid the cover securely around her before going downstairs to make some breakfast.

She was almost done with everything when she heard Santana come down the stairs. She turned around and saw Santana standing at the corner in a long WMHS shirt that ended just above her legs. Her hair was beautifully messy and her brown eyes were a little dull from just waking up.

"You weren't there when I woke up" She said quietly and looked at Brittany.

Brittany, mouth slightly agape from seeing Santana, shook her head and cleared her throat. "Sorry, I went to make breakfast" She said and pointed to the table where she had put out various things to eat, two plates and two bowls.

"Oh" Santana said quietly and went over to the table, careful not making any eye contact with Brittany.

The rest of the day Santana spent in her room. During a light lunch together they discussed what was gonna happen with Santana's mother now. They would go there on Sunday and talk. Since Santana was 18 she was in no need of an adult to take care of her and would not be placed in another home.

Sunday went by fast as well, they found out that Santana's mother would go to rehabilitation and after that she'd pay the bail the judge gave her. They also decided that Santana would stay at Brittany's for the time being.

The weekend was quiet and Santana mostly stayed at the room she got to borrow. She only came out to eat and to take showers.

Soon enough it was Monday and Santana had to go back to school again. Her first class was math and when she didn't show up, Brittany got suspicious.

After the class Brittany went to the teachers room to get some coffee. She had a 30 minute break, so she had some time to spend.

She walked in and saw there were only a few others there, one of them coach Evans. Brittany felt uncomfortable around him, not only because of what he had said a few weeks back but because he kept giving her these looks. She had managed to avoid him since then for most of the part.

He was sitting at the far off table, reading a newspaper and playing with his football in one hand.

Brittany quickly looked down and went over to the coffeemaker, poring herself a cup. She kept her head down and walked out of the room once again.

She thought she made it once the door closed behind her put after a few seconds she heard someone run after her. She inwardly prayed that it wasn't Sam. No such luck.

"Hey, Britt, there you are" He said and went in for a hug. Brittany quickly took a step back.

"What do you want Sam?" She asked coldly. She didn't want anything to with him and just wanted to get out of there.

I can teach you - Brittana StudentxTeacher (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now