Teasing you to your limits

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Santana sat in class next to Quinn. They had Spanish and Mr. Schue we talking about how to use different verbs depending on which person you're referring to. 

Quinn was just as interested as usual, so not at all, while Santana already knew all of this. Mr. Schue was the only male teacher of Santana's that wasn't a pervert, and thankfully, Spanish was one of the few subjects she already knew.

Santana sat and drew a little in her book, pretending to take notes, and without noticing she started making little hearts.

"So who's the girl?" Quinn suddenly asked her and she quickly covered her book.

"What?" Santana asked her and shook her head lightly.

"Oh come on, S! I'm not blind." Quinn said back and rolled her eyes playfully.

Santana just looked at her, trying to figure out if Quinn had seen her and Brittany, and perhaps not recognized who the blonde beauty was.

"Seriously? You're gonna play that game with me?" Quinn asked and leaned forward on her chair. Santana stayed silent and discreetly covered her book even more with her arm.

"Fine. You don't talk to me about how hot you are every day, a clear sign that you're thinking about someone else for a change. You don't flirt with the teachers anymore, which shows that there has to be someone really special. You haven't been to a party with me in, like, forever and, lastly you're drawing hearts in your notebook. Hearts Santana! You never draw in your notebook, even less hearts! So, who's the girl?"


"You're thinking way too much about this, Q. Nothing is going on with anyone." Santana said and put her book down beside her.

The bell rang and Santana quickly gathered her stuff and got out of the classroom, leaving Quinn behind.

Next class was gym. Santana hated gym.

Today's lesson was another one of the ones where the teacher didn't have anything planned, and decided that morning, while eating his breakfast and drinking his coffee, that his students would run... Great teaching skills.

Santana changed together with the other girls in the locker-room, a place where a year ago whispers and looks would be cast towards her. Some girls would even go as far as changing on the toilet, because of the fear that she was checking them out.

Today was just as any other day and people laughed and joked around.

Santana put on her tights, her WMHS tank-top and laced her shoes. Gym was horrible, but even worse when they had to run.

The girls got outside and waited for their teacher to tell them to get going. Eventually he did, after waiting for some people that would come to class later so they didn't have to run as much.

The field where they would be running was located just outside the teachers room, and Santana spotted Brittany by the coffee.

Great, she thought to herself ironically.

As usual, her and the other girls would tell the teacher about the importance of warming up, and stretching...

As he didn't really care, he let them do whatever they wanted to do, as long as he didn't have to move a finger.

Santana stood very much intentionally with her back slightly facing the window to the teachers room. She waited very carefully until she knew that Ms. Pierce would look her way before bending over and stretching her legs.

She bent forward, and then from side to side, cracking her neck a few times before starting to do some gentle lounges. She knew how this made her ass look; fucking amazing.

Inside, Brittany couldn't look away and was holding her breath while subtly staring at the Latina outside. She kept her head down and pretended to read the paper that laid in front of her, while keeping her eyes on Santana.

She didn't know what to do about the thoughts that popped into her head. It wasn't appropriate behavior and she knew that every well, yet she could not look away or get the girl out of her mind.

More than a few nights, Santana had passed her mind and dreams and she'd wake up more tired than she was when she went to bed.

She knew she had to get her out of her mind. She just couldn't.

And she didn't want to.

Santana saw in the back of her eye how Brittany was looking at her. She smirked slightly to herself.

The teasing didn't stop there, no, it continued over the day. Santana would start swaying her hips wider when she'd pass Brittany in the hallway, or she'd tighten her pony and purposely show off her chest.

The worst was when she in history would lean forward while handing Brittany papers, giving whoever looked a pretty good show down her top.

Brittany had had enough.

The halls where almost empty. Santana just came back to her locker after cheerios practice, and was getting ready to go home. Sue always kept them after schools fro practice, as she didn't want to see the "lower class society members" while she was with her winning girls.

Santana grabbed her things and started walking to the schools exit. She felt a hand grab her arm and started dragging her towards another hallway. She looked up, brown eyes met blue and a silent conversation spread in the air. No one said a word as Brittany pulled them both into her classroom.

Brittany leaned against the door as soon as she closed it, and Santana took a stand right in front of her.

"You have to stop" Brittany said with closed eyes. "I have no idea what you're talking about" Santana said and crossed her arms.

Brittany took a step away from the door, closer to Santana. "You know damn well what I talk about about, Santana, so don't play dumb!"

Santana shifted her eyes between Brittany's eyes and her lips.

"You can't expect me not to do anything when you're- you're... teasing me all day!" Brittany said and breathed loudly through her nose.

"It makes me want to-" Brittany started before Santana could interrupt. "What? It makes you want to what, Brittany?" Santana loudly said while getting even closer to the taller blonde. Eyes flickered with doubt but also determination.

Time stopped.

Before anyone could react Brittany had taken a quick breath before grabbing Santana's face with her hands and roughly kissed her on the lips.

The kiss went on for a few seconds before Santana broke away, panting. "Brittany you can't do this if you're gonna tell me nothing-" Brittany interrupted her this time, with a breathed "Shut up" before kissing her harder than before and pushing her against the wall.

This time, neither pulled away. This time, no one fought their instincts.

A/N: Hey! Long time no see! Sorry bout that...

But, if anyone has read the comments on the previous chapter, or my other book, you know I'll finish this story no matter what! It just might take some time...

Anyway, I'm already starting on the next chapter, I got SUCH A GREAT PLOT for this story, so I really hope people are still reading, tank you to all of you who are. Love you all!

I can teach you - Brittana StudentxTeacher (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now